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Topic: 2 fonts for lyrics (Read 7351 times) previous topic - next topic

2 fonts for lyrics

Hi all,
I'm looking for a solution to the following problem :
When I have scores with many lyrics (let's say 8), I'd like that the 1, 3, 5, 7 be in straigt font, and the 2, 4, 6, 8 be in italic font. Has someone found a workaround ?

    Dominique P.

Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #1
Hi Dominique,

I don't know a direct workaround. I'm afraid it's back to what I used to do before we had user definable fonts, namely leave enough space between the staves (using Staff Properties - Vertical Size) and copy the page from Print Preview into a suitable Publishing program. Then add the lyrics 'manually' as required. It does have the advantage that you can emphasise particular sections, and it's not too bad once you get into it. Now that we've got user definable fonts, it's always worth putting the first line of lyrics in with NWC - it helps to get the slurs and ties correct.

Hope this helps, Peter.

Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #2
I would think that since fonts are connected to the staves, that you would have to add another staff and put the alternating verses underneath. It would look a little strange, or even confusing, with 1, 3, 5, and 7 under one staff and 2, 4, 6, and 8 under another.

I would stick with numbering the verses. You could indent alternating verses with underline characters, if you think that would help.

Otherwise, put it on the 'Wishlist' using the link on the title page of this website.


Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #3
I was hoping to extend Ken's suggestion to use lyrics at the bottom of one staff and the top of the other, but realised that they'd still sue the same font anyway.
How about doing Lyrics 1,3,5,7 as per normal, and then using
good ol' ttext inserts for the rest? (Blechhh!)


Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #4
Peter, KenJ, Andrew, thanks for the replies ! So there is just one solution left : add a wish :)
But still hesitate between a font per lyric line, or simply a checkbox named 'italic' ??

P.S. Andrew, thanx for the news Cc:maillist !!! IT WORKS !!!! :) :) :) :)


Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #5
I would vote for a button for italic or bold a la your typical word processor.

Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #6
That's a very good idea.


Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #7
What if...

Set your page margins to about 5 inches from the bottom in page setup. Preview and copy to clipboard. Paste into DTP. (desktop publisher/word processor)

Make your page look like this:

---- ---- (staves)
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----

.... .... (text)
.... ....
.... ....
.... ....

Type out the text in your word processor under the staves. (marking chorus, and verse in your music). I got this idea from other thread.
I don't want noteworthy to turn into a mini desktop publisher with all these text options you ask for; let them concentrate on getting drum trax, split trax, and the other musical stuff.


Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #8
I'm not sure the two are mutually exclusive. Text options could conceivably be implemented in such a way as to be available from any point you add text. Most italicized or bold text is done by adding a font with those characteristics (italic or bold) which are then used instead of the normal font (in fact most of the time involved is probably in font creation). If this font were in turn selectable it would be possible to add things like fingering or chord notation by adding a font that would be invoked by the italic or bold button and doing standard text inserts. Obviously, if these NWC files are shared then the fonts would have to be "freely" distributed :-)

Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #9
> I can select my cyrillic font for the lyrics, but don't
> see the appropriate characters in the lyrics menu

Goto Tools, Options, Editor, and uncheck: Use light font in dialogs

You will now see the same font in the lyric editor as in the staff.


Re: 2 fonts for lyrics

Reply #10
But what if I want to put in cyrillic (=russian) text?
for instance for a russian folk song or something like that
I can select my cyrillic font for the lyrics, but don't see
the appropriate characters in the lyrics menu, virtually
forcing me to type "blind" and going back and forth to the
actual score to see if I made any mistakes.

Tying in to the above discussion: I don't understand what is
so hard in just invoking the fonts everyone already has on
his computer in windows, like all other windows programs do.

Just my 0.02