Re: Spacing problem: first note after clef (Beta 2.10 )
Reply #7 –
G'day Archive,
Actually, I'm one who cares.., a lot. I may not be as critical as some but I appreciate their "eagle eyes" as the results that they achieve benefit us all.
I don't know if you've looked at any of my 'Dings font suites but if you have you may have noticed that some of the elements in the replacement NWCx system fonts actually take less horizontal space than the NWC originals. This wasn't by accident. I get better spacing control because of it.
I do understand that different ones have different requirements. Sometimes less, sometimes more exacting. That's fine, but for the sake of NWC as a product in a competitive market, the better it is, the more acceptable it will be to a broader customer base.
Richard's comment regarding users needing to use DTP applications to post-process NWC output for printers is a case in point. If this can be reduced, or better, eliminated then NWC will appeal to that broader customer base.
You can bet Sibelius et al require little or no post processing... If they had NWC's ease of use - read FANTASTICALLY better user interface - then there are probably a reasonable number of NWC users who would move. My preference is to see NWC totally blitz the competition and the attention to detail provided by the "eagle eye's" brigade is what will help NWC achieve this.
So, please, forgive and be patient with us as we press poor Eric for perfection in his software...