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Topic: Special Endings More Than One Measure (Read 3908 times) previous topic - next topic

Special Endings More Than One Measure

if i have a special ending that is more than one measure long, the line above the ending number does not extend beyond the first measure of the ending (1st, 2nd or otherwise). i'm not concerned about 2nd or other endings, but is there any way to get that line to extend to the end of the first ending (the repeat bar) when the 1st ending is two or more measures?

AIM me at drolar1 (home) or drolar2 (work)

Re: Special Endings More Than One Measure

Reply #1
G'day Drolar,
not within NWC itself, but it can be done with a couple of text entries and a user font.

see: for this attached .jpg example:;topic=5692.0;attach=109

Please note that the example uses some fonts that I have developed and which are available from the scripto:

If you don't like the 'Jazz' appearance, that's no problem, there are 'straight' versions too which are completely interchangeable.

Instructions for use are included in a .pdf with the .zip files.

To create the extended line takes 2 or 3 text entries:
  • Set a user font to SwingText, MusikTextSans or MusikTextSerif and use that user font for the following text items.
  • Hide the NWC special ending - I.E. set vilibility to Never
  • Just prior to the barline that starts the special ending, place a text entry Left justified at next note/bar that contains the 'Left bracket' symbol <Alt-0178> followed by the special ending number and then several 'upper' lines <Alt-0179> all seperated by spaces - I find 3 spaces works well.
  • Just prior to the barline that ends the special ending, place a text entry right justified at next note/bar that contains several 'upper' lines <Alt-0179> followed by the 'Right bracket' symbol <Alt-0209> - again seperated by spaces.  These lines should overlap.
  • If the line is so long that there is insufficient character space in a text entry to enable the overlap, then simply place an additional text entry about midway with just the 'upper' line and space characters in it.

Please note these lines should overlap to ensure there are no gaps where they meet.  Also, make sure you do NOT preserve width.  You can adjust placement with leading or trailing spaces.

Check locations by using print preview at full magnification (Print preview, then right click).  The editor will not give you a clear picture.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Special Endings More Than One Measure

Reply #2
thank you so much. those extra measures just look lost without that line extension over them. got the downloads from the scriptorium. going to try it out now. will post back after giving it a shot.

now if we could just get NWC to have it do that automatically (HINT! HINT! THIS IS A DEVELOPER REQUEST FOR NEW NWC UPDATES!!!)

AIM me at drolar1 (home) or drolar2 (work)

Re: Special Endings More Than One Measure

Reply #3
worked pretty well on-screen, in viewer, and printing from within nwc. not so good when i run it through adobe distiller. i'm going to try tweaking it to see if i can get it to distill properly.

thanks again for the tip!

AIM me at drolar1 (home) or drolar2 (work)

Re: Special Endings More Than One Measure

Reply #4
G'day drolar,
what problems were you having?

I don't use distiller myself, whenever I need a PDF I print to a "Broadgun PDF Machine" 'printer'.  Just did a test run and it looks pretty good except you can see where the horizontal line characters would be overlapping.  It's not intrusive, but it is noticeable. 

When I print from the PDF via Acrobat reader it's perfect.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: Special Endings More Than One Measure

Reply #5
hi! sorry it took me so long to get back with you. actually, the problem was nothing more than the way the measures were falling on the page. i just had to tweak where the lines started in the measures. once i did that, it worked great! thanks so much for the heads up!

AIM me at drolar1 (home) or drolar2 (work)