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Topic: Text to Notation (Read 4931 times) previous topic - next topic

Text to Notation

Could someone kindly put me right about converting the text boxes in forum contributions back to notation in staves?

I can copy and paste a Nwc2 staff to a WORD document, then can copy and paste it back to a NWC2 staff as notation.  I can also copy and paste from a Forum discussion to a WORD document and get the correct text.

However when I paste it from the forum text box (either directly or from the WORD doc) back to the staff, I can only do it one line at a time, and frequently end up with text rather than notation.

What am I doing wrongly?

Re: Text to Notation

Reply #1
Place your cursor inside the grey box, then select all, copy.  Go directly to a place on a staff in NWC 2 and paste.  I think what you've been doing is missing the first bit of the top line or the last bit of the last line when scrolling through the text box.  Or at least that's what I was doing wrong at first.

Re: Text to Notation

Reply #2
Thanks David for your customary wise counsel.  It works like a charm.

Surely I couldn't have come down with the last shower?  I'm 80+!!

Re: Text to Notation

Reply #3
Hi Bill,
a really easy way to select the contents of the clip box is to right click within it then from the menu that appears click "Select All" then right click again and select "copy".  This puts the entire clip into the clipboard which you can then paste wherever you want it.

What David says is correct, you have to get all of the clip or you will wind up with unexpected text rather than notation.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Text to Notation

Reply #4
Thanks Lawrie.  I also found that Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C does the trick too, as in word processors etc.

Hope the weather is nice up your way.  It's darned cold down here in Melbourne.


Re: Text to Notation

Reply #5
This procedure is also explained via the What's This link that appears with every clip box in this forum.

Re: Text to Notation

Reply #6
Thanks NW Online.  Something else I missed.


Re: Text to Notation

Reply #7
G'day Bill,
having just returned from Charlotte Pass it seems quite balmy here to me though my wife is not impressed, she doesn't like the cold...

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.