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Topic: Copying measures across multiple staves. (Read 7248 times) previous topic - next topic

Copying measures across multiple staves.

Is it possible to copy across multiple staves?  For instance, I have a piece right now in which I'd like to copy measures 5-13 across six staves all at once, rather copying 5-13 on staff 1, then 5-13 on staff two, etc.

Thanks for any help.

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #1
The answer to that question is ... sadly ... no!

It is on my wish list. However, I thought there might be a way to accomplish this using the php/User Tools in NWC2, however, there is no way to iterate along the staffs.

My current work around is to use the || double bar as a reference point and work from the bottom up copying each staff one by one. Yes, it's tedious but currently, all you have now.

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #2
Hmmm... would that be worth the trouble? I just tried it, and it took me 2 seconds. I kid you not. Do this:
Mark the section you want to copy. (Chronometer starts now.)
PgDn - Shift-Insert
PgDn - Shift-Insert
... 6 times. (Chronometer stops.)
Like I said: 2 seconds! A workaround can never beat that.

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #3
I assume that Michael wants to copy - not paste - six staves simultaneously.
I would like to ba able to do that also.

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #4
Clarifying - Michael wants to copy a part of his entire score - not complete staves, and it's not just a simple score re-ordering.  MIDI Man has the right answer.  Instead of a || double bar , I sometimes use a temporary C-clef, or a To Coda Sign.  Also, <Control-G> is your friend, not just for quick movement, but to know where you are!

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #5
Hi MIDI Man et al,
Andrew has indeed created a user tool called "Cut/Copy and Paste [abbr=humph, an Aussie calling a bar a measure <g>]measures[/abbr]" for NWC2 to address this.  It still needs to be run on each staff individually, but the directives are easy and you can setup the invocation to remember the last command so that repeating the copy on each staff is no big job - quite easy and fast actually!

a) setup the invocation
b) select the first staff
c) <Alt-F8>
d) select the CCAPM tool (whatever name you gave it)
e) enter the correct parameters in the dialogue E.G. copy 5 13 20 (will copy bars 5 to 13 inclusive and paste them in front of bar 20)
f) <Enter>
g) Select next staff <Page-Dn>
h) <Alt-F8>, <Enter>, <Enter>
i) repeat g and h as required.

NB Step a) will normally only need to be setup once.

Of course, this doesn't help in NWC1...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #6

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #7
Some questions for Lawrie Pardy :

- What does invocation mean? And where can I find the
invocation instructions (can't find it in the help file)?

- And what does <Alt-F8> do ? (not in the keyboard Guide)

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #8
Vocare = to call.

Invocation = calling in. To invoke a function, that is just another way of saying: hey function, I am calling on you to do what you were created for.

To elaborate a bit:
A vocation = a calling. A vocational guidance counsellor (thank you Monty Python!) helps you to find your station in life. The station of call, so to speak.

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #9
Hi Opagust,

a) - What does invocation mean? And where can I find the invocation instructions [can't find it in the help file]?

Invoke - The Macquarie Dictionary - 4. to call on to come or to do something.

Invocation - The Macquarie Dictionary - 4. a calling upon a spirit by incantation, or the incantation or magical formula used.

My interpretation in using it to name the instruction was incantation or magical formula used - intended as being a bit "tongue in cheek".

If you go to the [abbr=Cut/Copy and Past Measures]CCAPM[/abbr] user tool page on the scripto, there are 2 links to "additional Help" - these are PDFs.

One is Andrews CCAPM instructions, the other is my Invocation Instructions.

b) - And what does <Alt-F8> do ? [not in the keyboard Guide]

<Alt-F8> is the keyboard sequence used to launch the User Tools in NWC2.  It is equivalent to the | Tools | User Tool | - menu command

If you do not already have:
1) NWC2 and
2) the user tool starter kit installed

then trying to install CCAPM aint'a gonna work for ya.

See the NWC2 Scripts page for further details.

As well, the NWC2 forum and the "noteworthy.nwc2beta" NG are useful sources of user tool information.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #10
Thank you very much, Lawrie, for your elaborate answer.

I have installed nwc2 and the user tool starter kit just a few days ago. I had'nt read the invocation instructions, except the first sentences ("about how to implement", "not about how to use the individual tools"). So I asumed it was rather technical stuff for creating your own user tools.

Nevertheless, I figured out how to install the ccapm-tool, thanks to the 'Demo - prompting for User input'. But when I used it, it seemed to me rather impractical, because for each staff, I got the 4 prompting pop-ups.

But with method 1 of page 5, it's really easy and practical to use!

<Alt - F8> : I just should have tried it before asking!

Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #11
Hi again Opagust,
glad I could be of some help.

So I asumed it was rather technical stuff for creating your own user tools

Thanks for the "heads up" Opagust, I'll look at rewording that section to try and avoid that kind of misunderstanding for future readers...

Hmm, sorry Richard but I can feel a [abbr=Not _another_ one!]rewrite[/abbr] coming on!

But with method 1 of page 5, it's really easy and practical to use!

Yeah, Eric really thought that one out I reckon.  Without the "memory" of past actions things would have been much less convenient!
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.

Reply #12
Thanks.  Looks like I'll just stick to the old-fashioned way.