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Topic: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef (Read 12135 times) previous topic - next topic

Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

I have music in a Notheworthy score, but it is in the treble cleff.  Does anybody know how I can switch it to bass cleff without re-typing the whole thing?  I tried making a new line in bass cleff and using copy and paste, but it just puts it exactly where it was in treble cleff (ie.  a note on the bottom line in the treble cleff, E, when pasted into a bass clef remains on the bottom line (now G) instead of switching to the appropriate spot).

Re: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

Reply #1
G'day Josh,
you can move any staff element (notes included) vertically by highlighting them and holding down <Ctrl-Shift> and pressing either <UpArrow> or <DnArrow>...

To move all the notes on a staff, select the staff, press <Home>, hold down <Shift> and press <End>.  This will highlight the entire staff, now press <Ctrl-Shift-UpArrow> 5 times.  This will place the notes on the equivalent place for a bass clef staff.

Now change the clef to bass.  It is very important to note that the playback will be an octave lower than before.

For more information, do a search of the site, it has been raised many times...

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

Reply #2
Thank you for your help!  I'm sorry to ask a question that has already been answered.  I did try searching for the answer before a posted this, but apparently I didn't input the right parameters.  Anyway, thanks again.

Re: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

Reply #3
G'day Josh,
no worries mate, my pleasure.

I appreciate the search function is sometimes a little wanting...

Try looking for transposition and trombone - these will also help.  There are some very good discussion threads and lots of things to learn.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

Reply #4
You can also press {Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow} twice to put the notes in the right place. This will reduce the number of leger lines but playback will be an octave lower than using Lawrie's suggestion.

However I assume that you are transferring a part to bass clef because you want a bass part.


Re: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

Reply #5
Wouldn't it be great if we had a checkbox in the Clef properties, "Update notation", which could move the notes for us when we changed clef.

There are two reasons for changing the clef, the first is that I put in the wrong clef originally and the second is that I wan't my score presented in the new clef and then the notes would have to be moved and that is a work that is best done automatically.

Re: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

Reply #6
I agree... for the most part. Noteworthy is not called 'Noteworthy Composer' for nothing. The name assumes that the users know what they are doing, musically speaking. Transposing, octave shifting, changing clefs... composers should all know these things.

But wait! Now, most Noteworthy-users do NOT know all this in-depth! What has happened? Noteworthy has proved to be so useful to non-composers that the Tricks of the Trade have to be taught. The first time I wanted a choral piece to be more fitting for the performers, I transposed everything up by a third... using Ctrl-Shift-Up, and correcting a few accidentals here and there. Er, that's not handy, and the program has much better facilities, all in the menu!

So what do we do? I do not think that the option you mention should rank high on the priority list. It might drown in the menus. What we DO need, is a very good search option. After all, the functionality is there, and you just have to find it. Whether it is an option that requires two keystrokes (or mouseclicks) or twenty - we just have to be able to find it!

Re: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

Reply #7
When men sing from a treble clef it is assumed they will automatically transpose down an octave so changing a shifted-down treble clef to a bass clef only needs five shifts.  It you mean a true (unshifted) clef, it will take 12 shifts.

Re: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

Reply #8
...only needs five shifts.
...needs only five shifts.


Re: Switch from Treble Clef to Bass Clef

Reply #9
"..needs only five shifts."

Needs to get a life!