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Topic: Printing (Read 3861 times) previous topic - next topic


The printed page does not contain the copyright notices.
It is showing, however, in print preview.
How do I print the copyright notices?
I am using version 1.50b.

Re: Printing

Reply #1
This is almost certainly due to a wrongly set bottom margin. For several comments on printing problems have a look at thread 560 - Printing Piano Music.

Re: Printing

Reply #2
Yes, thanks Peter Vasey, I set the bottom margin to 1".
It now prints ok!

Re: Printing

Reply #3
0.2 or 0.3 should do. You may be wasting precious page space!

Re: Printing

Reply #4
Depends on your printer driver default settings - some drivers allow margin settings, others don't. I had to set bottom margin to 0.6 ins. recently to stop some below staff bass notes being cut off.


Re: Printing

Reply #5
Most printers have an area around the edges that is an "unprintable area" which will not print. NWC attempts to show any clipping that will occur around the edges using information provided by the print driver. This does not always match the true area around the edges that will be clipped. If you are trying to push the envelope and print right up to the edge of the paper, it might be a good idea to determine where the edges are for your printer. A proecure to do this might be as follows:

- Open a score that prints at least one full page
- Goto Page Setup, set all margins to 0
- Print one page
- Measure the clipping area that does not show up

Now add one or two tenths to your measurements, and this can be you smallest margin settings when you want to print right to the edge of the printable area for your printer.