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Topic: Measuring Numbering and Re-Numbering (Read 2041 times) previous topic - next topic

Measuring Numbering and Re-Numbering

There are 2-things I want to do:

1) I want to insert measures into my song but, I want to preserve the original measures numbers so that measure #37 is still measure #37 after I add a few new measures before it.

My numbering scheme would be.....

...  33  34  35  36  36A  36B  36C  36D  37  38  39 ...

2) I want to delete measures from my song but, I want to preserve the original measures numbers so that measure #37 is still measure #37 after I delete a few new measures before it.

My numbering scheme would be.....

...  31  32  33  37  38  39 ...

---> So, how do I do this? Or will this be a new feature?


Re: Measuring Numbering and Re-Numbering

Reply #1
You could fake it a bit in the edit window with creative text entries, but you can't accomplish what you need when printing the score.  You might get 34a 34b displaying but unless 34 is the first one on the line, you'll miss 34 on the printing.  While bar numbers display on every measure in the edit window, only the first one on each line will print.  (wish list - please change this).  Check this for yourself in print preview).

To remove the measures but keep the original bar numbers after the cut, just hide and mute the cut measures instead of removing them.  This won't be good for playback, but I think your interest is in printing.

Here's a workaround which might meet your needs without a lot of effort.

Turn off bar numbering.

Create a new staff, move it to the top of the score, set its attributes to layer with next staff but don't allow layering just yet.

In this new staff, use Ctrl-L to add a lyric of only bar numbers. (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 36a 36b  36c 37 38 39 40).  Set the lyric properties to top and align at beginning of note.  Close the lyric editor.

Create a series of bars in this staff consisting of a short note and whatever rests you need to make up the beats.  Mute and hide them:

Code: [Select · Download]
Now allow layering.  This staff will be superimposed on the next one, but it doesn't matter because everything in it is invisible when you print.

The bar numbers in the lyric will line up with each of the notes, so you'll have one bar number near the beginning of each measure. They'll be slightly after the bar line, but not terribly much.  You could move them horizontally a little by playing with the rest values in the first bar or you could Align Syllable (use Control-L for the menu) to the start of the note.

You then would remove or add numbers, including odd ones like 34a, by using the lyric editor (Ctrl-L).

This isn't perfect, but it's a workaround.  That's one of the nice things about NWC - there's usually a way to do the rarer things users want, without having to redo the entire program.

I can see the day that NWC will allow bar line attributes such as "don't count" but I don't imagine we'll see the ability to use "unconventional" numbers such as yours, which are  needed in copying out show music to transpose.

A nice idea would be to have a bar line property setting it to begin bar numbering all over again, and then to be able to set the number of that new bar.  The seeds for this are already in page setup, with the choices for the first bar number to be 0 or 1.