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Topic: How was the 2nd tenor part highlighted? (Read 3111 times) previous topic - next topic

How was the 2nd tenor part highlighted?

I am trying to find out why the 2nd tenor part of this file: kyrie.mid is louder than other parts.  I have imported into NWC and there don't appear to be any changes in the midi properties of any staff.

Thanks in advance.

Re: How was the 2nd tenor part highlighted?

Reply #1
The most obvious answer is: you played another part before you imported and played this Midi file, and no instruments have been set - to the previous selection is still active.

Re: How was the 2nd tenor part highlighted?

Reply #2
There are several methods for doing this, depending on the exact effect you are trying to create.  I use the MPC controller sometimes to adjust the volume on a specific part.  Then when I get the NWC playback to sound the way I want, I "RECORD AS" a Type 1 MIDI file.

I find that occasionally I get "all balled up" when changing the volume numerous times with various parts. So, at other times I do it a bit differently.

Here is another method that I use to accomplish this:

1) Create a tune with NWC. ( I usually use 5 staves for preliminary work -- using a separate staff for each SATB and rhythm.)

2) Now create a separate blank staff for use in "highlighting" the desired part.

3) Copy and paste the entirety of the desired part exactly and paste it onto the blank staff.  Make sure the volume levels, etc., are set the same on both staves. (The pan, volume, etc., may be different on the newly created staff to what you desire.)

On playback the duplicated part will be emphasized.

You can replace notes on one staff with rests (whole measure rests, if desired, to "un-emphasize" large segments) so that only specific notes/measures will remain thus and be emphasized on playback.

4) Record the finished tune as a Type 1 MIDI.

Using this procedure you can see at a glance exactly where the emphasis is on all parts.

Again, I usually do this only when I start getting confused by frequent volume changes at varying times on different staves (parts).

Re: How was the 2nd tenor part highlighted?

Reply #3
In my haste I nearly forgot the obvious.

If you wish to change the volume of the ENTIRE staff then click Staff | Staff Properties | MIDI.  Then in the Volume box you can adjust the volume for the entire staff as you wish.


Re: How was the 2nd tenor part highlighted?

Reply #4
In looking at the NWC file, the part volume for all other parts was set at 64.  Your reply 3 was on the mark.  Thanks.
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