It seems to be no different than printing parts for instrumentalists in an ensemble. When you print the choral and the accompaniment together as a score, you want to display all the whole rest meastures. However, you want them hidden for printing the choral parts themselves. Typically you would like to have a multibar rest sign too.
Paste this into a blank staff to see what I mean:
|Text|Text:" [ 2 ] "|Font:User3|Pos:-1|Wide:Y
Then check print preview. You can change the number in the multibar bars rest text to any length you like. Just add more hidden measures of rests too. You need to use the preserve width setting for the rest sign text. Here, I've used Boxmark2 for userfont 2 and userfont 3 is Boxmarks. You can download them from the Scriptorium
You might tweak this a little by forcing a line break on the bar line at the beginning of your second verse.
It occurs to me also that if the melody in the first verse is the same as in the second, you should use first and second lyrics in the lyric editor. I don't know if you're doing it or not, nor do I know if it quite fits the problem you're trying to resolve.