Hidden Staves and Groups 2004-11-07 05:02 PM I see examples in NWC files of hidden staves. I've read replies on how to do this, by using the page setup box.However, when I try to do this, there is no option for "Hidden" Staves.How do I get this option?Also, how do I assign a Group Name?Any help would be appreciated.Thanks in advance.Bob Coppedge. Quote Selected
Re: Hidden Staves and Groups Reply #1 – 2004-11-07 07:41 PM Go to and open: "Page Setup"A dialog box will appear. Two columns will be visible: "Groups" and "Visible Parts".Under "Visible Parts" un-check the box corresponding to the staff that you wish to hide.Click "OK".That staff will now be hidden.Reverse this procedure to make visible again. Quote Selected
Re: Hidden Staves and Groups Reply #2 – 2004-11-07 08:02 PM To assign groups, just press F2 when you're on a staff. When the staff properties menu pops up, go to the general tab, and give the staff a name (label) and assign a group if you wish - I use Reeds, Trumpets, Trombones and Rhythym for jazz orchestra, but you can call the groups anything you want.The grouping is handy when hiding some staffs. You go to the page setup menu as described by Debo, and instead of toggling an x beside each instrument name, just x the group name. Quote Selected
Re: Hidden Staves and Groups Reply #3 – 2004-11-08 03:16 AM Oh, David, you didn't use the spell checker... Quote Selected
Re: Hidden Staves and Groups Reply #4 – 2004-11-08 07:39 AM I typed Rhythm two or three times, trying to get the spelling right, before sending that message. I think I'll claim copyright in my version "rhythym," it's rather fascinating isn't it (grin).I used to win all the class spelling bees 40 + years ago. I wonder what happened? Quote Selected
Re: Hidden Staves and Groups Reply #5 – 2004-11-08 08:01 AM 40+ years happened David.I know the feeling well.The older I get the better I was ! Quote Selected