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Topic: How to record real time, real volume and real dynamics (Read 2342 times) previous topic - next topic

How to record real time, real volume and real dynamics

Hi, ive just got the trial version of this program and it looks great but I can't record things (from my Casio px 300 keyboard) other than the actual notes. The notes play back (through MIDI) with the same note lengths and at the same volume etc and it's quite frustrating as the programme seems really good. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm sure its me but I do need talking through these things, Have a nice weekeng all, Mark.

Re: How to record real time, real volume and real dynamics

Reply #1
Hi Mark - hope this helps -it's a repeat of a post I did a few days ago...
You can't do real-time recording onto a completely empty template. First you need to open a 'spare' staff and set up a sort of 'metronome'. E.g. in Staff Properties, set your 'spare' staff to midi channel 10. Then select a suitable percussion sound, and step enter (say) four quarter notes per measure (four crotchets per bar) for as many measures (bars) as you want to record for. Then go back to the beginning and enter a suitable tempo. Now you are set up for real time recording. Highlight the staff you want to record onto, press the 'record' button, and you will hear your 'metronome' playing back. Count yourself in with the first bar, then start playing in time to your 'metronome'. You won't see your performance being entered whilst you are playing, but when you get to the end, it will suddenly appear, and you can play it back. Hope this is clear enough to at least get you started! I suggest you do a one-finger exercise to get the hang of it.


Re: How to record real time, real volume and real dynamics

Reply #2
Hi Graham and thanks for the advice. Apologies also - I did look through the archives but must have missed your post. Your comments sound very helpful so I'm off to give it a try.
Thanks again, Mark.