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Topic: NWC1.52 bugs (Read 3812 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC1.52 bugs

Just installed the NWC 1.52 upgrade. Some bugs:

(1) When I have two notes in a staff (one up stem and one
down stem), and one is longer in duration than the other,
the way NWC has always behaved in the past is to assume
the longer note's duration for the measure. 1.52 seems
to have changed this and is using the shorter duration.
This means that if I have, say, a half note with the up
stem and a quarter note with a down stem, and both are
followed by a single note or rest, the playback is wrong
(in that what I intended, based on previous NWC experience,
doesn't work). This may mean that all my existing NWC files
will play back wrong.

(2) Accent marks over chords often don't display.

(3) Beaming and up/down stems interact oddly. This is
mainly a nuisance, but means that I have to up/down stem
beamed groups of notes in a separate interaction, rather
than being able to rely on the current up/down stem setting
when entering 8th (etc.) notes and then beaming them.

- seb

Re: NWC1.52 bugs

Reply #1
NWC split-stem chords have always assumed the duration of the smaller note. This has been true since the original version 1.0.

The usability of the beaming feature has been enhanced inversion 1.52a, which shipped today.

Re: NWC1.52 bugs

Reply #2
OK, so the split stem thing also happened in previous
versions. I could have sworn...

Anyway, there is a real bug: when I bring up a file that
was created in 1.50 under 1.52, and I select Print Preview,
either from the File menu or from the Page Setup menu,
I get a program error. Some kind of exception. I had to
go back to using 1.50.

- seb

Re: NWC1.52 bugs

Reply #3
Can you add some details to that? Are you using 16-bit or 32-bit? Running Win 3.1, Win 95, Win 98, or NT? Can you send the file that causes this? Can you describe the exact exception message that occurs? This info is necessary in order to resolve problem reports.

Re: NWC1.52 bugs

Reply #4
I got the same error as seb. IT crashes whenever I try to preview it, and then I can't access the page setup ever again, otherwise it crashes with the same error. I had to uninstall it and reinstall it. It continued to happen after I rebooted and everything. Running Win95, 32 bit. Three error messages pop up, one after another.