line of text under title 1998-04-19 04:00 AM I suppose this is easy, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet. How do you add a line of text under the title when printing out a sheet of music? Thanks. Quote Selected
Re: line of text under title Reply #1 – 1998-04-19 04:00 AM Find the (horizontal) position on the top staff where youwant to insert the text. Click near the top of the screen.Use the Insert Text command. In the Staff Position fieldin the dialog add about 5 to the value, type in your textand select the font. You probably want Page Text (same asthat used for author information), but its up to you.Make sure you turn off Preserve Width.Now do Print Preview and see if it is in the right place. Tomove the text select the little diamond (click near it andtry Shift left or right arrow until only the little diamondis selected). Control-E will bring up the font dialog andyou can change its vertical position. To move it horizontally(and padding with leading spaces won't work) select it, cutit to the clipboard (Ctrl-X), and re-insert it (Ctrl-V) whereyou want it.Always do Print Priview before you print after that, becauseany change to fonts or the staff will cause the text to move.This is a pain, but it does work. I use it all the time.See the user tips page for more info: Quote Selected
Re: line of text under title Reply #2 – 1998-04-20 04:00 AM I tried it, and you are right on both counts. It does work, and it is a pain. I have to give you credit, I don't think I ever would have thought up that procedure. You said that padding with leading spaces wouldn't work, but it does seem to work to help center the text under the title. The cut and paste seems to move horizontally only in jumps according to the notes on the staff. Thanks again. Quote Selected