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Topic: 1st & 2nd repeats (Read 5729 times) previous topic - next topic

1st & 2nd repeats

does anyone know a way to raise the symbols for the 1st & 2nd repeats above notes or chords which they sometimes overprint when the chords or notes are above the staff?

Re: 1st & 2nd repeats

Reply #1
The vertical location of the special endings is controlled exclusively by the "Upper" value of "Vertical Size" in Staff properties.  In other words, The endings will float up to the top edge of the blue rectangle.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: 1st & 2nd repeats

Reply #2
Control over the height has been requested before.  The workaround is to set the properties of each special ending to invisible (highlight its anchor, Ctrl-E, Visibility, Never).

Then make a new staff which is to be layered with the first one.  Fill it with rests and the appropriate bar lines, repeat signs, etc.  Highlight all the elements, make them invisible.  Add special endings to this staff at the appropriate spots.

By adjusting the vertical "upper" size you can control how high the special ending soars.  It will always sit at the upper limit of the staff height.

Now we just need some way to control the length of the special ending's horizontal line...

Re: 1st & 2nd repeats

Reply #3
Why not adjust the height of the top staff itself?

Re: 1st & 2nd repeats

Reply #4
I think I have a good reason, but darned if I can remember it now!!!

I wonder if this was it?

If you're writing notes up in the stratosphere - say writing a high trombone part 4 leger lines above the staff, you probably want set the vertical size set around 22.

If you don't have the high notes near the special endings, you don't want the special endings floating too high.

Re: 1st & 2nd repeats

Reply #5
ps  I think the preview feature on this forum needs a grammar checker too!! (grin)

Re: 1st & 2nd repeats

Reply #6
But David, can't you just adjust the lower limit on a) the trombone part if you're printing it as a single part or b) the part above it if you're printing a conductors part.

Can't we control the horizontal length of an ending by layering as well?
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: 1st & 2nd repeats

Reply #7
Hi Francis,

I shouldn't have said THE workaround, merely A workaround.

Yes, you can adjust the lower vertical size of the part, as long as leaving the top vertical size low doesn't cause the staff to sit to close to the top of the page (I've never been able to make the page setup/margins thing work).

Thank you for reminding me there's a workaround for the length of the horizontal line.  I've forgotten what it is and it would come in handy just now, since I'm just starting to print off the parts for a jazz chart.  Could you refresh my memory, please?

Re: 1st & 2nd repeats

Reply #8
A workaround for the length of the horizontal line would be to insert the bar line(s) as text, then compensate (either before or after, or both) with hidden bar lines to make sure the measure count is accurate.

In regard to the page setup/margins thing, I just set mine at .5 inches all around (well, the new printer needs .55 at the bottom...), and go from there.

And do you mean "to sit too close to the top" in the second paragraph?


Re: 1st & 2nd repeats

Reply #9
Hi Gary,

Not only do I need a grammar checker I need a spell checker that will detect homynyms too.  (I probably spelled homynyms incorrectly too!)

The workaround sounds feasible, but may cause problems if the score has more than one staff.

I tried leaving the bar lines out on a second staff, layered and unlayered, and the preview display showed only the staffs up to, but not including the first ending.

I think there's still a way to do it, maybe someone will make the suggestion; but meanwhile, wouldn't it be nice if we could have a drawing object being an arc where we could set the start and end points, and push the curve up and down, or leave it flat?