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Topic: Varing Dynamics listed together. (Read 2909 times) previous topic - next topic

Varing Dynamics listed together.

Is there a way to insert dynamics that are as follows;
mp - mf.  I have several pieces that have Segno symbols in them and the dynamics read this way.  I don't want to have to repeat the entire section with a new dynamic unless I have to.

Thanks for your help.  I think the program and your site are both great!!


Re: Varing Dynamics listed together.

Reply #1
It depends on the structure of repeats.  As a simple example, suppose you have a section enclosed in open and close repeat bars.  If you have a "p" anywhere before the open repeat and an "f" just before the close repeat you will have the "p" in effect the first time through and the "f" the second.  Note that the "f" will continue in force when you exit the repeat.  There are a lot of things you can change, including instrument patches.  Peanut Jake has posted a number of dance arrangements where, using hidden 1st, 2nd, etc. endings, he changes the instrumentation each time through the music.

In one piece which I have transcribed the original score read "the repeat pia".  I added the dynamics. "mf" initially, "p" just before the repeat, made them non-visible and inserted the phrase as text.  Note that in the player, plugin and printing things marked as not visible act as if they just aren't there as far as the display is concerned.  For example, in the piece in question I had to add another "mf" before the following section which was also to be repeated.  When place between the close repeat for the first part and the open repeat for the second it separated them in NWC, but because it was marked as "never visible" the bars are merged in the other programs.

Re: Varing Dynamics listed together.

Reply #2
Thank you for your reply Cyril.  I will try this and let you know how it works.



Re: Varing Dynamics listed together.

Reply #3 worked great.  I'm a partially self taught piano student.  What I do is key in music pieces that I would like to learn and play them back so that I'll know what they are supposed to sound like when I get them learned!!

Thanks for your help.