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Topic: Drum Rudiments (Read 2780 times) previous topic - next topic

Drum Rudiments

How can i make Flams and Drags and the other stuff
notes for a Drum Corps

can i use a other software

Re: Drum Rudiments

Reply #1
I have done this, ...with great difficulty. Post an email address, and I will send you one. I used a hidden staff, and a muted staff. The hidden staff plays the drumming, while the muted staff shows the notes. I used the slurs font to mark flams.

Unfortunately, in nwc, grace notes always steal time from the following note, playing on the beat, with the note following the grace note slightly delayed. For a flam, you want the grace note to steal time from the preceding note, playing slightly ahead of the beat, with the following note on the beat. A wish has been submitted to make grace note time stealing changeable.

Since you can't use grace notes on the "playing" staff, you must use 32nd notes (or 64ths) in the preceding measure instead. This means shortening the previous note by a like amount. You also have to resort to tempo changes to get an 11 stroke roll to play the first 10 strokes in the time of a quarter note. See comments in entry below (Location of Triplet Slur topic) and regarding tempo changes.

Re: Drum Rudiments

Reply #2
Hi William,

I think it would be great if you would consider
sending your file to the NoteWorthy Scriptorium
I think many people who are not drummers (like myself)
would gain a lot of insight about drumming from such a

(just my $0.02)


Re: Drum Rudiments

Reply #3
I submitted Black Bear, a fife and drum tune, to the Scriptorium, 11:30 pm, 4/11/03
Required fonts: NWslur, Boxmark
1st staff (Fife) is Piccolo, transposed +20, panned left
2nd staff is 2 layered staffs: Snare and Bass.
Snare staff (3rd space + grace notes) is muted; for display only
Bass staff (1st space) is Taiko Drum, transposed -10, panned center
Hidden staff has the actual drumming, (low D chan 10 = snare drum)
Reveal it by File ==> Page Setup ==> Contents ==> SnareX
Note tempo changes to make 10  32nds = 1 quarter
Note added notes required in fife part to compensate (hidden)
Also note: Chan 10 cannot have different notes w diff midi settings:
hence Bass Drum NOT chan 10.


Re: Drum Rudiments

Reply #4
Now on Scripto
