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Topic: Hearing Single Staff (Read 6645 times) previous topic - next topic

Hearing Single Staff

Is there any fast way of playing back a single staff of a twelve-staff score without going to the Score Builder and muting the eleven other staves? This would be useful in hearing each part individually.

Re: Hearing Single Staff

Reply #1
NWC v1.31 has a Staff Play command in the Tools menu. The shortcut is Shift+F5. This will playback a single staff.

Hope this helps,

Tim Reichard

Re: Hearing Single Staff

Reply #2
The latest versions of Noteworthy have a "mute" button. Just activate a staff and hit the mute. Much simpler than the older way. Hope that helps.

Re: Hearing Single Staff

Reply #3
Thanks to Tim Reichard and Spearson.

I downloaded the latest version of NWC, and there it was: single staff playing.

Many Thanks again, Art (


Re: Hearing Single Staff

Reply #4
Highlight the staff you want to play, then hit Alt-F5 to just play that one. Or is it shift-F5?