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Topic: Fun with math? (Read 3237 times) previous topic - next topic

Fun with math?

This is a fun thing, along the lines of "what does the scroll lock key do?" rather than a serious music notice.

I know that many of you are music educators, and I suppose that many of you are schoolteachers. Check out my method for "improving math test scores":

Re: Fun with math?

Reply #1
Very interesting, but tell me: what does it have anything to do with NoteWorthy Composer?

I'll tell you: I graduated from high school WITHOUT the last math degree, then from the Conservatory in Quebec City! My advanced math is so lousy that my head hurts when someone asks me a trigonometry question!

BUT! I never had any problems with my rythmic and harmonic calculation problems!!! And I'm a drummer - faced with more rythm-related complications than anyone else - except maybe contemporary music-playing pianists!

So.... what's the point?!?

P.S.: I must admit, NoteWorthy aside, that it looks good!

Re: Fun with math?

Reply #2
The point is: There is no point!

But there is a sneaky hidden agenda: A search engine might find my "math" page and be found by educators, who might follow the links within my site, and thence be led to NWC.

Re: Fun with math?

Reply #3
Hee hee... graceful recovery! :)

Re: Fun with math?

Reply #4
¿¿¿The link at the bottom doesn't lead to a page that includes any NWC link???

However, on a more serious subject, did someone else discovered another (SERIOUS or REAL) use to the scroll lock key, as discussed (too longly!!!) on ? Other than in Excel (as I stated in reply 2, rediscoverd 2 years later in reply 10) and old MSDOS mode?
I think I saw something on this in the µ$-GUI reference for developer guide, which was coherent with excel behavior.

But please guys (and ladies), do not be as foolish as you were at that time !

Re: Fun with math?

Reply #5
The link at the bottom does lead to a NWC link -- two of them -- on my other pages with music content (Hallelujah, and music fonts). But the link is not on the "writings" page that directly indexes the "math" page. The reason is that a lot of the material there is fictional or satirical. Not a good spot for a serious link. To get from my "writings" page to my main index, you have to click on the chimpanzee.

A for the scroll lock: wasn't it the case in DOS that the scroll lock could somehow be used to prevent a long text file from scrolling all the way through to its bottom? There was no way of scrolling back (upwards) through the file once it scrolled through. I am thinking of 1970s technology.


Re: Fun with math?

Reply #6
Yes, the Scroll Lock had such a usage, as it had too on IBM/VT100 terminals.
It still works under plain dos at least; in dos-in-windows (plain screen or windowed) you have to use the "Pause" key instead. (it may be named "Break"; it's on the right of ScrollLock)
To check it, start a Dos window, and type the command:
dir c:\ /s
(Ctrl+C to stop it; funny, Ctrl+Pause doesn't work any more...)