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Topic: Some Roguish answers (Read 2806 times) previous topic - next topic

Some Roguish answers

Rogues Gallery

Well as promised, here are the results of the secondary competition - if this NG stays alive long enough for me to type this :-(

(I won't reveal the mugshots in the main competition)

The horse belongs to Sue Morton

The children of NoteWorhty users are :

Mug 19 and Mug 23 are children of Geoff Walker
Mug 24 is Philip, my son.

The time linked photo is mug 14 and is Jason Walker. But which photo is the older version of Jason ?
Besides Jason himself, only Fred got the younger version right.

This should now make things a bit easier for the main competition.

Jill B has sent in a photo of herself but of course, it's too late to enter the competition. I will put the photo into the gallery when the competition is over. It is nice to have a fave to match the writing.

In the main competition, Andew and Fred are tieing with 11 points each but Fred scored 4 in the secondary competition
