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Topic: Can slurs and ties be hidden? (Read 3261 times) previous topic - next topic

Can slurs and ties be hidden?

As the sound of midi notes often end too abruptly for orchestral sounds, a hidden tie to a subsequent hidden 1/32 note would come in very handy!

Currently, I am using the Pianoforte's sustain pedal to effect a convinving end of phrase!

Can slurs and ties be hidden?

Re: Can slurs and ties be hidden?

Reply #1
Oh that we could hide them! Slurs and ties are hidden only if the first note is hidden, which is the exact opposite of what you want.

One workaround is to insert an invisible 'legato' instruction - this lengthens the playback of all the notes and should achieve the desired efect. You turn legato off by inserting any other performance style ('sotto voce' and 'volta subito' are two of the less intuitive styles that work here!)


Re: Can slurs and ties be hidden?

Reply #2
AFAIK, the only instructions that have any effect are "legato" and "staccato". The rest simply cause a return to the default "marcato" style.

Re: Can slurs and ties be hidden?

Reply #3
Sorry, I thought that was what I said.

To turn legato on you can use 'legato'. There is no specific instuction to turn it back off, but as you say, any performance style (except staccato) turns legato off.

My point, I think, was that even counter-intuitive instructions like 'volta subito' do this. (And IMHO they should not)

I'm not sure that 'Marcato' is the right negative for 'Legato'. To me it implies a much more marked style of playing. What we need is a specific 'effects off' instruction, and leave 'sotto voce' and 'simile' etc to do nothing.



Re: Can slurs and ties be hidden?

Reply #4
Agreed. My post was not meant to contradict what you said in yours, merely to (hopefully) make the situation more clear.

Another possibility for a return to "neutral" performance style would be Naturale (used commonly for strings to indicate a return to normal bowing style after such instructions as sul ponticello, col ligno, etc.)