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Topic: show a limited portion of the accompanyment staff (Read 2390 times) previous topic - next topic

show a limited portion of the accompanyment staff

I want to show a small portion of the treble melody-line of the piano accompanyment for a few measures and then do a similar event a little later for a few more measures.

I would rather not have a blank staff (for the piano) running throughout the piece; only a little piano melody line through a couple more difficult areas.

Can one cause certain areas of staff not to print or take up paper space. Kind of like accompanyment 'vignettes'.

Thank you


Re: show a limited portion of the accompanyment staff

Reply #2
These are called ossia mesures, they come to explain a passage or substitute it, I (personally) don't think Nw is going to input that, but you can do like this:
Use a User font as NWC15.ttf, this comes with Nwc, then insert a text with only spaces, this font will make then an ossia, but it will be blank, so input in handwriting the notes you want.