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Topic: nwc crash (Read 2215 times) previous topic - next topic

nwc crash

I recorded a midi file of a choral piece played in block piano style. I exported it as a type 0 midi file. I used the chord splitter and split it. when I try to import import the file noteworthy just has an error and crashes. i can't understand why. all i want to do is do a choral piece for this weekend. please tell me what went wrong. why can't the chord splitter go in the program, there are three versions. please help!!! what do i do?


Re: nwc crash

Reply #1
Without the actual MIDI file, it is hard to know what is causing your problem. I would suspect a corrupted or malformed MIDI file, as this will sometimes cause NWC to crash. For more diagnosis, you need to send the file to us.