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Topic: General Midi Instrument Numbers (Read 4666 times) previous topic - next topic

General Midi Instrument Numbers

Does NoteWorthy have a list of the general midi instrument numbers? I cannot find a list. (I may be stupid OK)
My synth does not use GM programs but I need to change it so other peoploe can play my pieces properly.
I would like to print out a list too.
Thankyou, I don't think NWC will go broke like the Encore. :)

Re: General Midi Instrument Numbers

Reply #1
Sorry for my spelling mistake. :)

Re: General Midi Instrument Numbers

Reply #2
If you'd like to Email your address I can send you a list of General Midi numbers.

Re: General Midi Instrument Numbers

Reply #3
Try doing a web search on "General Midi Instrument Patch Map".

This should give you a pretty good list of web sites with GM patch maps and percussion lists.


Re: General Midi Instrument Numbers

Reply #4
The NTWPATCH.INI file includes all of the General MIDI note assignments, by name. The file is in the NWC program folder. The drum names are in the help file, in the Common Questions section, as well as in the DRUMREF.NWC sample file.

Re: General Midi Instrument Numbers

Reply #5
need a list cc numbers o-127 and what they do ?
any help will be great
Thanks corkey


Re: General Midi Instrument Numbers

Reply #6
The effect of midi controllers varies depending on which soundcard you use.

A general list can be found at the NWC Scriptorium.

Click on the Useful Files link.