Option Explicit
Dim StdErr, StdIn, StdOut, LineIn, Look, Matches, Match, Head
'Name: Insert Sforzando
'Command: wscript scripts\Sforzando.vbs
Set StdErr = WScript.StdErr
Set StdIn = WScript.StdIn
Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut
Set Look = New RegExp
Look.Global = True
Look.IgnoreCase = True
While Not StdIn.AtEndOfStream
LineIn = StdIn.ReadLine
Look.Pattern = "^\|Note|^\|Chord|^\|RestChord"
If Look.Test(LineIn) Then
StdOut.WriteLine "|Marker|Target:Articulation|Visibility:Never"
StdOut.WriteLine "|DynamicVariance|Style:Sforzando|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote"
If Instr(LineIn, "Accent") = 0 Then
Look.Pattern = "(Dur[^\|]+)"
Set Matches = Look.Execute(LineIn)
Set Match = Matches.Item(Matches.Count - 1) 'the last one
Head = Match.FirstIndex + Match.Length
LineIn = Left(LineIn, Head) & ",Accent" & Right(LineIn, Len(LineIn) - Head)
End If
End If
StdOut.WriteLine LineIn
This inserts a
sforzando mark and accents the note and hides the accent with an invisible marker.
There's one problem though. If you manually insert a dynamic variance it inherits visibility and position from the previous one. Inserting one with a user tool doesn't.
Hi everybody,
I'm afraid I have a stupid question to ask: can you tell me where I can find a description HOW to install user tools like the the one above?
I have been looking now for quite a time, and I'm afraid I'm not smart enough to figure out how it works...
I suppose I'll have to copy the programming code above - but where should I paste it? I would the glad to get some help... :-)
Thanks for the links! :-)
I'm sorry to have to ask again - but I still don't get it.
I downloaded the User Tool Starter Kit, and I understand now how to install new user tools based on a php-file. So far, thanks for the links! Unfortunately I did not learn from them what to do with the code presented above.
I tried to paste it into the command line when creating a new user tool, but that didn't work (I wasn't able to paste the code, all that appeared was: "Option explecit")
Can someone tll me what I do wrong? Thanks in advance...
Copy the code.
Paste it into NotePad.
Save the NotePad contents as a file to your Scripts folder as: Sforzando.vbs