NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Adrian on 2014-04-14 02:12 am

Title: How do I interface a MIDI
Post by: Adrian on 2014-04-14 02:12 am
I have a cheapo AKAI LPK25 with its 'editor' software.  I would like to us it to enter notes in place of the onscreen keyboard. I need some help. 
Title: Re: How do I interface a MIDI
Post by: Rick G. on 2014-04-14 02:54 am
The AKAI LPK25 has a plug and play USB interface. Plug it in. If nothing happens, this may help:
For USB devices, the first step in sorting these kind of issues is generally to unplug the device, then replug it. If that does not help, then you need to dig further into why the device is not working correctly. For example, you need to confirm that you have the correct Windows XP device driver for your USB device. It also often helps to check with the USB device manufacturer's web site for updated drivers.

If you search this forum for USB+MIDI keyboard, you can review other topics from users that have experienced similar issues in setting up their USB MIDI device.
Read "the correct Windows XP device driver for your USB device" as "the correct Windows device driver for your USB device and Windows version"

It is a bit dated, but this is fairly comprehensive: FAQ - MIDI Keyboard Input (