NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: jpjm on 2013-02-24 05:59 am

Title: NWC and Aria Player
Post by: jpjm on 2013-02-24 05:59 am
I hate to repeat this question, but I will anyway. I have NWC 2.0 and Garriton Aria Player, GPO4. I've been successful in using Aria with NWC for string orchestra and string quartet, setting up my Aria file one instrument at a time.

Now when I tried to create a new Aria file, it only offers me combinations- piano and flute, piano duet- I can't assign just piano to one staff. Weird.

So that's one question- how do I get to selecting individual instruments for individual staves?

The other thing I found when researching this is an article titled, 'Using GPO with Noteworthy Composers' by Jose Miguel Serrano.

If you look at the second screenshot, it shows multiple GPO devices that are available to NWC to be selected as playback devices. How do you get GPO into that MIDI window? I have a feeling things would be a lot easier if I could directly select GPO, rather than using the virtual cable to access Aria Player.

Am I way off base here?


John Mahony
Title: Re: NWC and Aria Player
Post by: Warren Porter on 2013-02-24 12:57 pm
It looks like you just need to create some new template files.  Create (a) new file(s) from scratch, specifying your midi options and nothing but a clef for each staff, then copy this to the file folder Template.  You will be able to refer to it the next time you create a file.

BTW, delete any .bak file you might find in the Template directory as it causes NWC to hang.  It will be corrected soon, but it is a bug now--happened to me less than a month ago.