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Forums => Tips & Tricks => Topic started by: Rick G. on 2009-09-03 05:18 PM

Title: Adjusting slurs using "phantom notes"
Post by: Rick G. on 2009-09-03 05:18 PM
A few simple fixes for some recurring slur problems. None of these require a layer or a separate playback staff.

In each example, the problem is the extreme curvature of the slur in Print Preview.
Unchecking 'Increase spacing for longer notes' makes the curvature even more extreme.

The solution presented here is to change NWC2's apparent vertical start and/or end of the slur using "phantom notes".
The phantom notes are headless notes that are muted by tieing a headless muted grace note into them.

The music up to the Section Close shows the problem. The music after, a solution.
The grace notes used to move the slurs are in red. They are muted by the objects in orange

1) A slur is displaced by a flat.

2) A slur end on an upstem note. Note the stem length of override on the last note.
This makes the slur end look like it seeks the center of the note stem rather than its head.

3) A slur end on a downstem note. Here, both the start and end are altered.
This is a bit longer than the others since it is from an actual piece of music.
Title: Re: Adjusting slurs using "phantom notes"
Post by: Yoshikazu on 2009-11-02 02:54 AM
Hi, Rick

Great solution! This has been the problem I was thinking about.
I'd like to use this way for my music from now on.

But in case 1), if the last Eb is higher Ab, an extra leger line appears.
Do you have any idea?
Title: Re: Adjusting slurs using "phantom notes"
Post by: Christian Carlsson on 2009-11-02 07:12 AM
If the visible notes need no leger lines, the "No Leger Lines" check box can be used. This has worked for me in most cases, but sometimes this method cannot be used.

I have sometimes also had problem using this method when the slurs end at dotted notes, in which case extra dots appear at the headless notes.

Title: Re: Adjusting slurs using "phantom notes"
Post by: Rick G. on 2009-11-03 10:39 AM
But in case 1), if the last Eb is higher Ab, an extra leger line appears.
Do you have any idea?
Leger lines can be hidden, and as of NWC 2.5, a cue-sized text entry can simulate the missing leger line:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]