NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: rikbel on 2005-08-25 05:25 pm

Title: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: rikbel on 2005-08-25 05:25 pm
When i point the curser arrow to the double dotted quarter note in the tool bar it brings up the tempo setting screen instead of the double dotting the note. !!A glitch maybe? Rik
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: Rick G. on 2005-08-25 10:16 pm
I think you are confusing the Insert Tempo button with the Note Double-dot button.

Insert Tempo looks like: d=..
Note Double-dot looks like d..

If you hover over the button with your mouse, you will get a tool tip description.
The Note Double-dot button button may not be on your tool bar.
You can add it with &View->&Toolbars...->Customize
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: rikbel on 2005-08-26 05:29 pm
you are correct i was clicking on the D=.. Many thanks  Rik
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: David Palmquist on 2005-08-26 05:45 pm
Hi, Rikbel,

If you're an okay typist, try the keyboard shortcuts.  Once you get used to them, you'll find them quicker than mousing.

Instead of finding the correct icon with your mouse, just pressing "e" brings up the tempo dialogue box. It's that easy with most of the commands.

Sometimes you need to press 2 keys, but I still find it quicker and more convenient.
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: Rick G. on 2005-08-26 08:00 pm
Use the keyboard...

Sounds good, but double-dot is on of those rare birds without a quick key.
A period will cycle among Default|Dot|DblDot only if you have the DblDot button on your tool bar.

For a piece with only a few DblDot's, I find it much easier not to have the DblDot button on the tool bar.
Instead, I select the note or rest and use the context menu (rightclick+dd).

Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: Rob den Heijer on 2005-08-26 09:12 pm
Do you? Then, as an old time keyboard addict, I can tell you that I always use Alt-Enter for the context menu. Your mouse could be ready for early retirement, now... ;-)
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: Rick G. on 2005-08-27 02:06 am
I've never had much luck with Alt-Enter for the context menu, seems I always get the Properties Menu.

Are you using an Apple?  Unix? <g>
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: David Palmquist on 2005-08-27 08:05 am
"A period will cycle among Default|Dot|DblDot only if you have the DblDot button on your tool bar."

Not so for me.  I don't have the icon for dots or double darts showing on my toolbar, yet tapping the period twice gets the double dotted note.

"I've never had much luck with Alt-Enter for the context menu, seems I always get the Properties Menu."

Me too.  However, I usually use Control-E for the properties menu, since I can keep in keying position that way.
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: Rob den Heijer on 2005-08-27 10:10 am
Ah. Bit of a mix-up. I called what I get the context-menu because what I get when I use Alt-Enter is context sensitive. But, indeed, what you get with a right mouseclick or with Ctrl-E/Alt-Enter is quite different.
I use Notation Properties quite often, and Alt-Enter does the job. For me, with minimal hand movements: left thumb=Alt, right pinky=Enter. Blindfolded. And immediately back to standard typing position, where the index fingers find their way back to F and J (did anyone ever notice the little blobs on the keys? That's what they are there for!)
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: David Palmquist on 2005-08-27 04:43 pm
FWIW, the bumps of the "guide keys" are actually very old technology, going w-a-a-ay back to typewriters.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that my keyboards aren't standard.  I've used the "natural" one at home and work for a number of years, and as a result, no longer experience the pain I used to have in my arms and hands.

The natural configuration is raised and bent in the middle and has a large resting place for the heels of the hands.  It's a little harder to use the right hand to hit keys on the left side of the keyboard, which is bad in theory, but sometimes convenient with NWC.

With a standard keyboard, all the keys are in straight rows, sloping uniformly up from the edge nearest the space bar.

With the natural keyboard, the rows bend horizontally, there's a wrist rest, and there isn't much slope from front to back.  There is, however, quite a slope from each side up to the middle.  The upshot is that your wrists don't have to bend when you type.  This is particularly suited for those of us who are gravity-friendly or horizontally enhanced.

The downside is that if you don't sit at just the right spot in relation to the keyboard, it's easy to come off the guide keys.

There! More than you ever wanted to know, and not even on topic!
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: Rob den Heijer on 2005-08-27 11:13 pm
Gravity-friendly and horizontally enhanced? OT indeed. You have me puzzled, intrigued an tenterhooked. Was Sir Isaac gravity-neutral?
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: David Palmquist on 2005-08-28 04:38 am
Short, fat.
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: Rob den Heijer on 2005-08-28 05:23 pm
Oh. Garfield's 'vertically challenged' I knew, and this I could have guessed... Being gravy-friendly ultimately makes you gravity-friendly?
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: rikbel on 2005-08-28 07:51 pm
I too am horizontally challanged but it's not my fault as i meant to go to weight watchers and end up in height watchers and the damn thing worked      Rik
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: Rob den Heijer on 2005-08-28 08:19 pm
I am pecuniarily challenged. I blame the Euro.
Title: Re: double dottet note in the toolbar
Post by: David Palmquist on 2005-08-29 05:06 am
Horizontally challenged means you don't need WW.  On the other hand, horizontally enhanced...