Oh, my sweet redeemer, I am blessed. I just discovered the "Adp" (parts) script in User Tools. I don't know how to give my thanks to the author except for hoping he'll read this message here. If he does, THANK YOU.
And the NoteWorthy Composer team, THANK YOU for including the user tools! This looks like it's a wonderful addition with its several helpful scripts.
(Heh, just FYI, I've put in a significant number of songs in two versions--one formatted for print, and one with each part separated for playing. Guess how I separated all the parts on these 10's and 100's of songs? Yup! Copy each staff to another and delete each unneeded note one at a time!)
I'll double that endorsement. Separating piano chords for SATB harmony just got its pain factor reduced.
I have tried to use some of the tools (i.e., I double click on a *.php file), but all I get is a small black window. Nothing happens. I can type words such as "help", "run", or "exit" followed by Enter, but still nothing happens. I am using XP Professional version.
Although I have several scripts written for macro processing in a text editor, they would me more useful in php if I can ever get it off the ground. TIA
Warren, the user tools are invoked via the Tool, User Tool command, or Alt+F8. You have to install the starter kit first, though.
See also: https://forum.noteworthycomposer.com/?topic=4870
Thank you. That cleared it up. Now to try to transcribe my Semware tools.
What? You don't say! You use TSE? And what tools have you written? Please share!
What limited tools I have are
here (http://bellsouthpwp.net/w/b/wbport/nwc2/). The one which removes all digits from the clipboard I've used for years to line up text in choral works. I make the measure number part of the syllable every so often. If the text lines up in measure 25 but not in measure 30, I just have to check those five measures for missing hyphens, words, slurs, etc. Another fixes triplets from imported midi files and the other one adds measure numbers as text (but it needs to do it after the bar line.
Eric told me about developer instructions being here (http://www.noteworthysoftware.com/nwc2/help/MNU_USERTOOLS.htm), but can anyone add to that list? No reason for everyone to reinvent the wheel.
Is there some instruction that goes with these new user tools? I can't make head nor tail out of what they are or what they can do. The dialogue in this thread is like a foreign language to me. I have downloaded the starter kit and can access the tools - options - user tool command, but thats where it ends for me. Any suggestions?
> can anyone add to that list?
The link to the user tool help does not contain any sort of list.
Users are free to create their own tools, and add them to the user tool list using the New button. You can also add scripts written by others, but you should make sure that you know what a tool does before installing it.
Kevin P said: "Oh, my sweet redeemer, I am blessed. I just discovered the "Adp" (parts) script in User Tools. I don't know how to give my thanks to the author except for hoping he'll read this message here. If he does, THANK YOU."
My pleasure, Kevin. Which particular user tool "did it" for you? :)
Hi Robert. Glad the parts thingy did the job.
Warren, do your semware tools try and interpret NWC files? What a huge amount of work must have gone into that.
If I interpret your question (about not reinventing the wheel) and also DGF's question. Can I refer you both to the Scriptorium's new nwc2script page (http://nwc-scriptorium.org/nwc2scripts.html)?
Several people of different 'thinking models' to myself have asked for better documentation. I do hope to provide it sometime in the future, but haven't yet found the time to devote to it. Hopefully if you think differently to me you can remodel your thinking so that my documentation will be helpful. :-)
I don't try to interpret NWC files, just what is copied to the clipboard. Once done, the entire edit space needs to be copied back to the clipboard and copied back onto the NWC staff currently being worked on. That is automatic in my "remove digits" macro, but must be done "by hand" on the others.
I don't know if I can pick up the adp language or not; it takes a lot of time I'm kinda short of. I'm in a mass choir doing the Verdi Requiem at Carnagie on June 7 so will be out of pocket for a while.
Looked at changing the arpeggio script to not do the top note. It works for three note or more chords but not for two when the beaming instructions wouldn't be needed.
One request for a new script though, something to hide every rest which has not been moved. This would be helpful for layered staves or a tempo track.
I've some ideas for a pentuplet script, but it's not ready yet.
A VBScript version for you. Save the file as "HideUnmovedRests.vbs" in scripts\
'Name: Hide Unmoved Rests
'Command: wscript scripts\HideUnmovedRests.vbs
Set StdErr = WScript.StdErr
Set StdIn = WScript.StdIn
Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut
While Not StdIn.AtEndOfStream
LineIn = StdIn.ReadLine
If Left(LineIn,6) = "|Rest|" then
LinePos = InStr(LineIn, "VertOffset")
If LinePos = 0 then
Count = Count + 1
LinePos = InStr(LineIn, "Visibility")
If LinePos = 0 then
LineIn = LineIn & "|Visibility:Never"
Select Case mid(LineIn, LinePos + 11, 1)
Case "A"
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, "Always", "Never")
Case "T"
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, "TopStaff", "Never")
Case "N"
'Already hidden
End Select
End If
End If
End If
StdOut.WriteLine LineIn
MsgBox Count & " unmoved dynamics now hidden"
Hi Peter,
neat! I like the message box too. A bit of feedback is always welcome.
For those who have the current version of Andrews' Global_Mod the following syntax will do the same thing:
php\php.exe scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php Rest,!Opts.VertOffset Visibility=Never