NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: David Lee on 2005-02-01 06:14 am

Title: How do you place your composition into a windows media format
Post by: David Lee on 2005-02-01 06:14 am
Just like to know how can I transfer my composition into a Windows Media Format or other format so I can place it on a audio CD.

Title: Re: How do you place your composition into a windows media format
Post by: Debo on 2005-02-01 11:26 am
There are many ways to do this and many discussions on this board have addressed this problem.  Regardless, this is how I make an audio CD from a NWC composition:

First, I...

1) "File|Save" and save my composition in NWC format;


2) I click "File|Save As" and in the ensuing dialog box under the "Save as file type:" scroll down selection box, I select save my composition as a "Type 1 MIDI" and save it;


3) I play this newly-created type 1 MIDI file on Windows Media Player and record it at the same time using Windows Sound Recorder; this creates a .wav file which I then save;


4) I use a CD recording program (I use "Record Now", a program that came bundled with my computer.) to create an audio CD from the .wav file that I have just created.

Note that as an intermediate step, one may also use some program such as "Windows Media Player" or "MusicMatch Jukebox" to create MP3 files and then make a CD from these.  By doing this, one can get more music on the audio CD but the trade-off is poorer quality of sound.

A lot of "dancin' around"?  Yes, it is.  However, this is the easiest way that I have found to accomplish this task using the computer/equipment available to me.
Title: Re: How do you place your composition into a windows media format
Post by: Tony on 2005-02-01 03:24 pm
I use a small prgram called "Ripvinyl" downloaded from the internet.  You can try it out for free, but there is a quite small fee payable for the fully active program.
This allows you to turn any sounds going through or coming into your PC to be turned into a WAV file.  The WAV file can then be recorded on disc and is palyable on virtually all CD players.
The program gives you the possibility of adjusting sound volume. and other features.

Got to
for further information.

Title: Re: How do you place your composition into a windows media format
Post by: Kelby on 2005-02-14 06:14 pm
I've had great success recording my .nwc files to .wav format (and then to CD) by using the software that came with my SB Live sound card - I believe its called 'Creative Recorder', which works very similar to the above described 'ripvinyl'. If you have a Creative sound card, chances are you already have the necessary software.
Title: Re: How do you place your composition into a windows media format
Post by: Anthony Wieser on 2005-03-24 06:13 am
The link above should actually be:

Anthony Wieser
Wieser Software