NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Player on 2003-04-25 04:16 pm

Title: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Player on 2003-04-25 04:16 pm
Several notes on the  same stick?
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Peter Edwards on 2003-04-25 04:37 pm
Insert the first note as usual, then position the cursor to the right of the inserted note on the line (or space) where you want the second note and press Control and Enter. carry on this way for subsequent notes.

You can have up to two different note durations in the chord, but this is handled by writing two chords at that staff position, one stem up and the other stem down, and these two chords can't overlap.

You can also write a chord with a rest - just insert the rest first - but, for reasons only known to Noteworthy, the duration of the rest must be shorter than the duration of the chord notes.
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Viola DiBracchi on 2003-04-25 04:42 pm
If you mean "a chord" with several notes on one "stem," then enter one note of the chord, move your cursor to the next note (positioned to the right) and press Ctrl+Enter.  Continue in this fashion until all of the chord tones are entered.
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Viola DiBracchi on 2003-04-25 04:43 pm
Sorry, Peter Edwards got his in while I was typing...
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: sound on 2003-04-26 08:04 pm
thanks a lot for the tip......for the last many years, i was wondering how it was done... the software is very quiet about 'accord' or whatever... i tried CTRL+ENTER and it worked.... and yet, not perfectly the way i expected it...

i will never buy this software till it works properly... and they add proper tutorials... anycase, im working out my own version...
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: sound on 2003-04-26 08:11 pm
hmmm.. the CTRL+ENTER just adds one more note... what is the way out for more staffs?...

thanks folks.............
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: sound on 2003-04-26 08:20 pm
yep, got it...

when you make a note, and want another in the same stem, click as if u want to add a note...but instead press Ctrl+Enter....  i was wondering if mixed notes could be added.... meaning, notes of short durations etc

NoteWorthy says "Ctrl+Enter    Adds a chord member at the insertion point"...  i think it is not clear.... no definitions about 'accord', 'insertion point', .... are given...  i hope they correct these for enabling beginners to get a quick insight and help advanced users to be more accurate...

thanks for the folks and the noteworthy people.....
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: sound on 2003-04-26 08:28 pm
please refer above things....... it will work with keyboard...  you need to bring the cursor (' a little cutie cursor, easy to miss in a football field!').. and press the key combinations...

ah, finally it works...
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: sound on 2003-04-26 08:30 pm
peter edwards, thanks...
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Fred Nachbaur on 2003-04-26 11:53 pm
When searching the help file, look for "chord" (not "accord"), this might help. Especially the section, "Chord member command."
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: sound on 2003-04-27 03:33 am
yes fred, thanks... i did find it once i got the hint anyway...

is there any notional name for multiple members on the same chord? (meaning, multiple notes on the same stick!)...
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Fred Nachbaur on 2003-04-27 04:46 am
Usually this is just referred to as a "chord," as opposed to a single note. Technically, I believe that a true chord has three members, but in common usage even just two notes sounded at the same time are called a chord.
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Ned F. on 2003-04-28 02:32 am
Two notes does not a chord make.
Three notes is the minimum for a chord.
Two notes is an interval.
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Fred Nachbaur on 2003-04-28 02:51 am
Ned, although you're right, I think you'll have the devil's own time trying to get every r&r guitarist to start playing "power intervals" instead of "power chords." ;-)
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Ned F. on 2003-04-29 02:07 am
That's why we put "power chords" in quotation marks, 'cause they're not really chords.
Title: Re: Please help me : How do I do to write an accord? (several notes
Post by: Ann Macfarlane on 2003-04-29 04:26 am
>is there any notional name for multiple members on the >same chord? (meaning, multiple notes on the same stick!)...

As Fred says, this is a "chord" and since the chord is vertical, it will also take any other notes in the same place in other staves into consideration, so it is quite possible for there to be only 2 notes to the stem on one stave. According to Eric Blom (Everyman's Dictionary of Music) : "Properly the sounding together of 3 or more notes, though 2 notes may imply others"

An interval is merely the distance between two notes - either horizontally consecutive, or on top of each other. i.e. not necessarily "on the same stick"