NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => Tips & Tricks => Topic started by: NoteWorthy Support on 2002-05-03 01:58 PM

Title: Printing 2 small pages on 1 landscape page
Post by: NoteWorthy Support on 2002-05-03 01:58 PM
Have ever wanted to print your score from NoteWorthy Composer onto a page in landscape view with 2 small pages of music side by side? The trick is a neat software package called ClickBook ( It will help you create one page or an entire booklet of your music.
Title: Re: Printing 2 small pages on 1 landscape page
Post by: Francis Beaumier on 2003-02-01 04:39 AM
In the latest editions of Windows, two pages by sheet can be accomplished by the system. If you printer uses a standard windows driver and print processor, you can choose the number of pages per sheet by hitting Properties before you print and selecting the number under the layout tab. ClickBook gives way more control, I'm sure, but for your basic needs, Windows now has it. Just thought I'd update the tip...
Title: Re: Printing 2 small pages on 1 landscape page
Post by: tony smedley on 2006-02-06 10:41 AM
Many printers now have a facility to automatically print a document, including a Notewirthy score, in "booklet" form, which halves the page size - an A4 page is printed as an A% page on what becomes one page of the booklet. This can be useful and time saving.

Title: Re: Printing 2 small pages on 1 landscape page
Post by: tony smedley on 2006-02-13 05:17 PM
Sorry, my reply should have said A5 not A%

Title: Re: Printing 2 small pages on 1 landscape page
Post by: carlsson on 2006-03-03 04:10 PM
But all these tips assume that you have music where each part in landscape mode is more than one page of music, since you can only print one part (or several together) at a time from NoteWorthy? If I want to print Clarinet 1 and Clarinet 2 as landscape A5 onto the same sheet of portrait A4, does ClickBook capture the first print-out, keep it in a buffer and then when I print the second part, resizes both printer jobs onto one page?

I remember trying to copy output part by part to EMF files and resize them, but the only program I had available in the other end was MS Word and the final printed page looked terrible: notes not aligned to lines, stems hanging loose from the note etc. I'd rather print to landscape A4 and use a copying machine to resize two A4 (landscape A3) to one.
Title: Re: Printing 2 small pages on 1 landscape page
Post by: Lawrie Pardy on 2006-03-03 10:59 PM
G'day Carlsson,
Francis' reply above RE WinXP works very well.
Title: Re: Printing 2 small pages on 1 landscape page
Post by: Peter Edwards on 2006-03-05 07:27 AM
ClickBook does indeed store successive print jobs, so you can print out the individual parts and put them one by one into the same booklet. And you can add other files and blank pages too.