I am really embarrassed that several webpages on Scriptorium didn't work until today. The pages ClearStaff, MoveChord, nummeas, Pentuplets, spacepart, and Triplets all used a function in the file
notelength.js which I had forgotten about.
To test nwc-scriptorium.org/wp/pentuplets.html (https://nwc-scriptorium.org/wp/pentuplets.html), open the webpage and attached file in different windows. Enter Alt/Tab to go from one window to the other and your cursor will be where you left it.
- Copy the tempo into Tempo Here.
- Copy the pentuplets (red notes) into the Textarea.
- Choose the Tuplet Staff radio button and hit Submit. The Textarea will now have hidden tempo changes at the front and back ends of the notes with a 5 over the middle.
- Change the radio button to Played (hidden) Staff.
- Copy the lime green notes into the Textarea and hit Submit. Each note will be tied to a note with a quarter of its duration.
- Click on Restore Last, choose Displayed (muted) Staff, and Submit.
- The same notes will be in the Textarea, each followed with a hidden rest with a quarter of its duration.
Please let me know if you have any problem with this or anything else on that page.