NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Raffaele Buscema on 2024-01-15 06:33 PM

Title: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Raffaele Buscema on 2024-01-15 06:33 PM
Ciao a tutti.
Ho redatto una partitura completamente su NWC
Ora devo andare in stampa.
Sapete se c'è una funzione che ridimensiona la partitura ?
Nelle partiture specialmente le più antiche, quando uno strumento non suona, scompare dalla partitura.
Riappare poi dopo quando torna a suonare.
Se NWC ha questa funzione sarebbe una buona cosa per risparmiare carta ed inchiostro
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Lawrie Pardy on 2024-01-16 02:19 AM
You can hide staves using the Boundary controls <]> or |Insert|Boundary Change|

Staves that you want to have disappear for a while, insert a boundary change that says "Start a collapsible section" and end it with "Cancel/forbid collapse from this bar"

You should do some experimentation to learn how it works.
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Warren Porter on 2024-01-16 12:46 PM
Hi everyone.
I wrote a score completely about NWC
Now I have to go to print.
Do you know if there is a function that resizes the score?
In scores, especially the oldest ones, when an instrument does not play, it disappears from the score.
It then reappears later when it plays again.
If NWC has this function it would be a good thing to save paper and ink
Visit ( to download and install Multi Measure Rests (mmr.js) in the right column. It can handle collapsing staves for long rests automatically.
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Raffaele Buscema on 2024-01-16 04:09 PM
Hi everyone.
I wrote a score completely about NWC
Now I have to go to print.
Do you know if there is a function that resizes the score?
In scores, especially the oldest ones, when an instrument does not play, it disappears from the score.
It then reappears later when it plays again.
If NWC has this function it would be a good thing to save paper and ink
Visit ( to download and install Multi Measure Rests (mmr.js) in the right column. It can handle collapsing staves for long rests automatically.

Ma come si fa ad aggiungere questa funzione a NWC?
Come si procede?
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Raffaele Buscema on 2024-01-16 04:10 PM
You can hide staves using the Boundary controls <]> or |Insert|Boundary Change|

Staves that you want to have disappear for a while, insert a boundary change that says "Start a collapsible section" and end it with "Cancel/forbid collapse from this bar"

You should do some experimentation to learn how it works.

Fantastico Funziona benissimo!!
Esistono dei tasti che abbreviano la funzione direttamente
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Raffaele Buscema on 2024-01-16 05:11 PM

Visit ( to download and install Multi Measure Rests (mmr.js) in the right column. It can handle collapsing staves for long rests automatically.

Ma come si fa ad aggiungere questa funzione a NWC?
Come si procede?

Ho scaricato un file mms
Poi con alt-F8 ho aperto una finestra
Ho cliccato su "NEW"
poi ho incollato su "Browse" la posisione del file mms
Ho cliccato su Run
Mi da errore
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Lawrie Pardy on 2024-01-16 10:46 PM
On the command line for the user tool, put the command "wscript " before the path/mmr.js - there must be a space after the "t"

E.G.: wscript Scripts\mmr.js
wscript Scripts\mmr.js <PROMPT:MMR?:=|Yes|Undo> <PROMPT:Options:=|HideAll|ShowAll|ShowBar|ShowRst|LayerHide>

Where "Scripts/" is the path to where you saved mmr.js

<edited> to show the prompts mentioned by Warren (in the post above/below depending on your sort order)
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Warren Porter on 2024-01-16 11:05 PM
Please note this script requires two prompts that follow ..\mmr.js

Tieni presente che questo script richiede due istruzioni che seguono ..\mmr.js
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Warren Porter on 2024-01-20 04:36 AM
I wonder how useful multi-lingual prompts would be. A simple change would be possible where a script asks for Y or N. Instead of checking if a prompt is or isn't Y, it could check for prompt isn't or is N since "No" is the same in several languages. A prompt could ask for Yes, Oui, or Si without any changes to a script looking for a not No since all would work. More involved prompts might be beyond the scope of a translate web page that might not know about music idioms or how the language is used by native speakers.

For example, in mmr.js script looks for the literal "Undo", but the word "Yes" could easily be replaced.

Other thoughts?
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Flurmy on 2024-01-20 10:04 AM
From Mel Brooks "Silent movie":
Funn phones mime artist Marcel Marceau, who responds in French with the only spoken word in the film: a resounding "Non!"
Dom Bell: [seen as an insert title after Mel hangs up the phone] What did he say?
Mel Funn: [seen as an insert title] I don't know. I don't speak French!
  :))  :))

I think Windows has some API calls to get the locale for "yes", "no", "cancel", "abort", "retry", "ignore", the days of week, the months etc. but I think it's too much trouble for too little.
Yes, many languages have the negation starting with 'n': "no", "nein", "non", "não", "niet" so it's easy to check for it instead of the affermative form. But NWC is in english without any hint of translation anywhere, so I think that even the casual user is well accustomed to "yes" and "no".
Title: Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Post by: Opagust on 2024-01-20 03:13 PM
But NWC is in english without any hint of translation anywhere, so I think that even the casual user is well accustomed to "yes" and "no".