NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bernie Haylett on 2023-06-08 03:07 PM

Title: MIDI file import sets blank key signature plus accidentals
Post by: Bernie Haylett on 2023-06-08 03:07 PM
Hi all,
Whenever I import a MIDI file to a new score, it always sets a C major/A minor (blank) key signature and notates accidentals where required within the score.  Actually is sets a cancelling natural sign on the F line.   If I know, for example, that the piece should be in G major, how can I insert a G major key signature and automatically change all of the accidental F# notes to plain F?

Thanks in advance.
Bernie Haylett
Title: Re: MIDI file import sets blank key signature plus accidentals
Post by: Lawrie Pardy on 2023-06-08 04:24 PM
Hi Bernie,
the hidden (that's what we call greyed out symbols in NWC) natural on the F line is how NWC represents a C/Am key signature.  It is possible to set up a staff with no key signature altogether but some things don't work predictably if you do this.

I just did a quick test and the MIDI file I imported came with key signature...  A check online confirms that key signature information can optionally be included in a MIDI file, so I can only assume the file you're importing simply doesn't contain a key signature.

You can change the C/Am key signature to whatever you want (select and press <Alt+Enter> to get the dialogue), change it and press <Enter>.

For each staff: Fix the accidentals by using use <Alt+T> (to activate the tools menu), <A> (to select the Audit submenu), <A> (again, to perform the audit for accidentals) and it will fix 'em right up.  It would pay to do a quick check in case of a glitch, but it's pretty reliable.