NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: lawrroc on 2023-02-04 06:58 AM

Title: Page view
Post by: lawrroc on 2023-02-04 06:58 AM
Good morning to you all.
I ask if the percentage value of the page display ("Print preview") can be changed.
You go from a minimal view to a too large one.
Maybe it doesn't depend on NWC but on PC settings?
Thanks and have a nice weekend!
Title: Re: Page view
Post by: hmmueller on 2023-02-04 08:30 AM
No, I do not think so.

There are actually 6 zoom levels (1/6 = full page is visible, 2/6 = about a third of the page, 3/6...6/6 = not useful except in very rare cases). Paging behaviour in 2/6 and higher is also strange as a PgDn/PgUp does not reset the position to the top/bottom of the newly opened page, but remains at the same relative location. But I can now live with it as follows:

"Going down enlarged":
"Going up enlarged":

After rehearsing this like a new piano piece a few times, you do it automatically and end up about where you want  :)

Title: Re: Page view
Post by: Flurmy on 2023-02-04 03:49 PM
I'm puzzled.
In "print preview" I have just two views. The first one is "full page", the second is ""screen wide" and, in the upper left, there is the caption "page x, zoom y/2" with y either 1 or 2, no matter which way I change the zoom.
Title: Re: Page view
Post by: SEBC on 2023-02-04 04:05 PM
No, I do not think so.

There are actually 6 zoom levels (1/6 = full page is visible, 2/6 = about a third of the page, 3/6...6/6 = not useful except in very rare cases). Paging behaviour in 2/6 and higher is also strange as a PgDn/PgUp does not reset the position to the top/bottom of the newly opened page, but remains at the same relative location. But I can now live with it as follows:

"Going down enlarged":
  • Opening: Alt-F V + and immediately 5 up-arrows
  • Going down: down-arrow
  • Next page: PgDn and then immediately 5 up-arrows
"Going up enlarged":
  • Going up: up-arrow
  • Previous page: PgUp and then immediately 5 down-arrows

After rehearsing this like a new piano piece a few times, you do it automatically and end up about where you want  :)


I often work with performers on compositions still in process. The inability of NWC page view to easily accommodate working this way has always been frustrating. Frantically trying to find my place in the music after a page turn  is not efficient or professional!  I usually have to create a draft pdf instead and have the program open for making edits.
Title: Re: Page view
Post by: Mike Shawaluk on 2023-02-04 11:40 PM
I'm puzzled.
In "print preview" I have just two views. The first one is "full page", the second is ""screen wide" and, in the upper left, there is the caption "page x, zoom y/2" with y either 1 or 2, no matter which way I change the zoom.
It appears that the number of zoom factors available depends on your monitor. I recently upgraded to a 4K monitor, which I have oriented in portrait (tall) mode. If I do a Print Preview maximized on that monitor, it says "Page #, Zoom 1/1" in the upper left corner, and pressing + or - has no effect. However, if I resize the window to only take up part of the screen, then the zoom keys work. Depending on the size of the window, the second number in the Zoom #/# will change. Very odd.
Title: Re: Page view
Post by: Flurmy on 2023-02-05 09:43 AM
You're right, Mike. the smaller the window (not just the monitor), the more the zoom levels.
Odd that, for 4k monitor maximized, the zoom level is only one.

Many, many years ago I had to connect to a BBS (do you remember when this didn't mean Battery Balancing System :-) ) in Switzerland. The hello page said in German: "This is the first time you connect to this BBS. First, you have to select a language.
1) German
Which one do you choose?"
Title: Re: Page view
Post by: Mike Shawaluk on 2023-02-05 02:13 PM
You're right, Mike. the smaller the window (not just the monitor), the more the zoom levels.
Odd that, for 4k monitor maximized, the zoom level is only one.
Odd indeed. On my other monitor (1920x1200) at the maximum zoom, the notes/text are larger than on my 4K monitor. Perhaps there is a memory limitation that is limiting how much I can zoom in, and NWC did not anticipate 4K monitors in its current version.