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Topics - Rick G.

General Discussion / Clef alignment with Special Ending Bug (Beta 2.19)
Code: [Select · Download]
Code: [Select · Download]
Clefs don't align horizontally.
Problem goes away if you export it to NWC 1.75
Edit 20091019: This bug still exists.

Also, Special Endings with differing visibility no longer align in the Editor - a squashed buglet that has reappeared.
General Discussion / Local Repeat Close (include bar in count proposal)
Local Repeat Close Barlines have a Repeat Count spinbox.
It would be useful to have an Include in Bar Count checkbox (unchecked by default) that, when checked, would add the repeat count to the barline count.

This would allow them to be used to simulate for Multi-measure rests without resorting to shenanigans like this:
Code: [Select · Download]
It helps to display measure numbers to see the affect.
General Discussion / Lyric placement
In the attachment, it should be clear to everyone that NWC2 (as of Beta 2.18) mishandles "wrong" in measures 1-3. It should look like "right" in measures 3-4. This is nothing less than a bug that has existed since the beginning of NWC.

I would also argue that that the "wrong" in 5 is a bug. It should look like the "right" in 7.

IMO, the only time where lyrics should account for a defult barline is at a Sysbreak (explicit or implied)

Currently the options for Lyric Syllable are: Default, Always, Never
They should be: Default, Left, Center, Never

Whitespace (e.g., underscores) to to right of a lyric syllable should be considered in lyric placement, but should be ignored for the placement of the next note. This would allow centered lyrics to be shifted without affecting note spacing. If shifting the next note is needed, some "Preserve width" spaces could be used.

Idealy, a spin box should be provided for Lyric Offset that would allow a real (i.e. non-integral) offset of where the lyric is to be centered or left set relative to the note. If this is too much trouble then trailing whitespace should cause a left set syllable to be shifted left.

These changes would give the user nearly complete control over horizontal Lyric placement.
User Tools / User Tools and the Registry
NWC2 stores a wealth of information in the Registry. VBScript and JScript can read and write this information. Unfortunately, NWC2 doesn't fully update changes exept when NWC2 is opened or closed.

If NWC2 would fully update before and after running a User Tool, the capabilities of User Tools could be greatly expanded. A Tool could:
  • configure the Editor
  • take action based on the current song title
  • take action based on the current song filename

Another limit to User Tools is that the Tool doesn't know if the clip represents a selection of:
  • nothing
  • the entire staff
  • the beginning of staff
  • a partial staff
nor does it know where the cursor is.

If this info could be passed in the clip, User Tools could be more flexible in their actions.
If a Tool knows that it has the beginning of a staff, it knows it has the context (TimeSig, Key, Clef), and can do many more things with confidence.
General Discussion / Spacing bug: Beta 2.16
Code: [Select · Download]
Code: [Select · Download]
Notice how the start of a line or a visible bar line distorts the spacing around the red flats.
The distortion is less in Print Preview, but still not acceptable.
Viewer Beta 2.11 does not have this problem. Something has changed, and not for the better.
User Tools / Chord Inversion Tool
A little tool to invert chords. RestChords and Chords with split stems are ignored.
The lowest note in a Chord is moved up by an octave until it occupies its own line.  This results in a new inversion.
Run it more than once to get the inversion you want.
Since the tool doesn't know about implied accidentals, forcing accidentals will sometimes be needed.

Copy the code and save it in your Scripts folder as: invert.vbs
Code: [Select · Download]
Option Explicit ' Invert.vbs, Ver 1.0 - Rick G.
Dim a1, a2, a3, e
Do Until WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
  a1 = Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadLine, "|")
  If UBound(Filter(a1, "Chord")) = 0 Then
    If UBound(Filter(a1, "Dur2:")) = -1 Then
      a2 = Split(Mid(a1(3), 5), ",")
      a3 = aPos(a2(0))
      For Each e In a2
        a3(1) = a3(1) - 7 * (aPos(e)(1) - a3(1) = 0)
      a2(0) = Join(a3, "")
      a1(3) = "Pos:" & Join(a2, ",")
    End If
  End If
  WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Join(a1, "|")

Function aPos(s) ' NotePitchPos to array
  Dim test: test = Split("nb#xv ? oxXz ^")
  Dim r(3), c, i ' retval, char, index
  r(1) = s: c = Left(s, 1) ' acc?
  For Each i In Array(0, 3, 2)
    If InStr(test(i), c) Then r(i) = c
    r(1) = Replace(r(1), r(i), "", 1, 1)
    c = Right(r(1), 1) ' tie?, head?
  Next: aPos = r ' acc, pos, head, tie
End Function
Copy this and add it to: nwc2UserTools.ini
Code: [Select · Download]
Invert Chord(s)='wscript scripts\invert.vbs'

All the work is done in the first For/Next loop. The rest of the code parses the input and recombines it.

2007Apr21 - fixed indentation in code.
General Discussion / Triplets and invisible notes
It seems to me that these are not correct in Print Preview:
Code: [Select · Download]
The bracket should start at the left of the first visible note and end at the right of the last visible note. The "3" should be centered in what is visible. When there is only one note, either some minimum amount of bracket should be displayed even if this causes a small overflow of the note boundary.

An argument could me made that triplets should be like slurs, i.e., invisible if the first note is invisible. I won't make it as I see no particular use for it.
General Discussion / Beta 2.15 Help file is out of date (nwc2help.chm)
Common Questions section seems old for NWC2

Getting Started
How do I create a MIDI File (*.mid)?
  answer applies to NWC 1.75b (Save As instead of Export)

What is the procedure to change notes to a new clef?
  answer says: Press F9 to update the key signature
  this is no longer needed.

Play and Sound
How can other people play back my .NWC files if they do not have NoteWorthy Composer?
  answer applies to NWC 1.75b (Player rather than Viewer)

Is there a loop play function in NoteWorthy Composer?
  answer applies to NWC 1.75b (Player rather than Viewer)

Can I move my score to another application, like a word processor?
  answer applies to NWC 1.75b (wmf rather than emf)

How do I get play back to work?
  implies that NWC2 will work with Windows 3.1

My system is cutting off notation symbols, is there a work around?
  suggests change to WIN.INI ...

And at the beginning, Overview->Introduction, at the bottom of the page, it says: Note: For assistance on using this help file, press F1 now.

Maybe it is a WIN98 thing, but F1 does nothing.
General Discussion / Signature misalignment after Special Ending (Beta 2.14 bug)
Create 2 staves and copy the code into each of them.
One would expect items on identical staves to align vertically, but after a Special Ending, Clefs, KeySigs and TimeSigs do not.
Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Viewer GPF's using VBScript .Terminate
Save the code as: ViewerGPF.vbs
Code: [Select · Download]
Set wso = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wso.CurrentDirectory = "C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer 2 Viewer"
Set exo = wso.Exec("NWC2View.exe Mozart.nwc /play")
WScript.Sleep 5000
Assuming your files are in the standard places, running ViewerGPF.vbs causes a nasty GPF.
Win98SE locks up, requiring a hard reset. XP recovers, wanting to send a report to M$.

Not a big deal, but it would be useful if would shut down gracefully.
User Tools / Set Midi Volume
Windows Media Player can wreck havoc on volume settings, so I thought a User Tool might fix things.

Copy the code and save it in your Scripts folder as: MidiVol.vbs
Code: (MidiVol.vbs) [Select · Download]
'Set MIDI Volume, Ver 1.01, Rick G.
For Each e In WScript.Arguments
  If IsNumeric(e) Then SetMidi e: WScript.Quit
WScript.Echo "Argument: 0 - 100 required."

Sub SetMidi(volume)
  Set o = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX")
  o.settings.volume = volume
  o.settings.balance = 0
  With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    f = .BuildPath(.GetSpecialFolder(2), "MidiVol.mid")
    .CreateTextFile(f, 1).Write _
      "MThd" & String(3, 0) & Chr(6) & String(5, 0) & "0"
    o.URL = f ' open, wait while Transitioning
    Do: WScript.Sleep 100: Loop While o.playState = 9
    o.close: .DeleteFile f ' settings now pertain to MIDI
  End With
End Sub '<eof>
Copy this and add it to: nwc2UserTools.ini
Code: (nwc2UserTools.ini) [Select · Download]
Set Midi Volume='wscript scripts\midivol.vbs <PROMPT:(0 - 100) =#[0,100]>'
Quote from: Set Midi Volume
'wscript scripts\midivol.vbs <PROMPT:(0 - 100) =#[0,100]>'

NWC's prompt mechanism makes a perfect front end, remembering the settings that WMP ignores.

Windows Media Player 7+ is required. It will harmlessly err if not present.
Tested on Win98SE and WinXP(Home Edition).

After some argument checking, the program opens WMP, writes a tiny MIDI file to %TEMP%, which is loaded into WMP, then deleted. This is needed to tell WMP to change the MIDI settings. Loading a wav file here will change the Wave settings. Balance is set to mid-range since I can't imagine why it should be anything else for NoteWorthy.

You can also create a ShortCut to this and hard code a volume setting into the Target: field.

If opinions are favorable, I could move this to the Tips area.

Edited on: 2007-02-14
Ver 1.1:
  • Shortened arg check. Replaced MsgBox with Echo so that program can be used in a console window.
  • Moved settings to top of function. WMP stores them until media is loaded.
  • Shortened dummy MIDI file. WMP just needs the header. MIDI events are not needed.
Moved original version to: here
General Discussion / Slur start/end 2nd interval bug
Snippet from Debussy's Sarabande from Pour Piano (measures 38-39)
Code: [Select · Download]
NWC starts and ends the slur too far to the left. The attachment is Alfred Publishing's Masterwork Edition of Debussy selected favorites for the piano. I have found some examples where the slur starts/ends at the stem, (but none before the stem), The usual practice is the center of the notehead closest to the slur. This behaviour is also in NWC 1.75b.

Unlike some other slur problems, this one should be easy to fix.
General Discussion / Why not support: |Text:, |Font:, |Wide: and |Pos: for more Objects?
I count 19 objects used by NWC2 as of Beta 2.13:
Code: [Select · Download]
Every one of them uses some text except a barline without a repeat.
|Text:, |Font:, |Wide: and |Pos: has no effect on most of them. I'd like to see that change.
I'm not asking for the user interface to be changed in any way, but ...

If the paste parsing routine would allow it, the program could gain much power and flexibility:

  • For Note and Chord, 2 characters could define the notehead and flag. |Wide:N could be a signal not to add any space after the note (or rest), allowing the user to give it a tighter spacing.
  • For Rest and RestChord, Text would simply be output at Pos: and the normal Rest character supressed.
  • If Clefs could use |Font:User1, but default back to System Font after a SysBreak, there would be a solution to small clefs.
  • Dynamic positioning would benefit. e.g., |Dynamic|Style:p|Text:"  p"
  • |TempoVariance|Style:Fermata|Font:User1 could be made to simulate a marcato or staccatissimo
  • For Flow, some of us might like larger symbols
  • Grainger fans might like: |TimeSig|Signature:7/8|Text:"3½/4"|Font:User1
  • |Instrument|Name:"8va"|Trans:12||Font:StaffItalic|Pos:11|Visibility:Always would be helpful.
  • Key might be configured to suppress displaying naturals.
  • MPC's would finally be able to explain themselves.
  • PerformanceStyle could be non-italic for those that prefer it.
  • Tempo could directly show Swing indicators. Any text would suppress the "d=80" marking.
  • I like my Pedal Markings a bit larger than NWC
  • DynamicVariance could be "fp" or something small when it is used to position hairpins.

And finally, Ending:
They are seldom in the right place. Pos: would fix that. Another use:
|Ending|Endings:2|Text:"to next strain."|Font:StaffItalic
When I give music done in NWC to others, the most common question is:
What is this D. in the second ending? I'd rather not be asked.

I'm sure that other users would invent other uses. In time, some of these would make it into the User Interface. Some might cause problems. these could be resolved or filtered out over time. For the casual user, none of this would make NWC2 more complicated.
General Discussion / Beta 2.12 barline causes note misalignment
Put each clip on its own staff and invoke Print Preview. The quarter notes should align, but they do not. The barline should not cause this. A hidden barline should not affect spacing at all. If you remove the SysBreak, the notes align. The problem would seem to be in the justification routine.
Code: [Select · Download]
Code: [Select · Download]
Also, the closing bars should be the same. (Easy workaround for this, but it should not be needed).
These are old problems. They affect NWC 1.75b as well, except that in 1.75b, the notes misalign even with the SysBreak removed.
General Discussion / Beta 2.12 Note/GraceNote Chord anomaly
This clip was produced in Notepad:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
It may indicate some weakness in the parsing or spacing routines.

However this:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Could be quite useful in notating organ pedal note as in the attachment.
Variations on it might produce some real cue notes (a much wished-for item).
Tips & Tricks / RestChords - hiding the rest (NWC2)
There are times when you need a RestChord to show the notes, but not the rest.  NWC2's user interface lets you set the Vertical Offset to ±15. The actual effective range (as of Beta 2.12) seems to be +2048/-2047, which can be set via a User Tool, such as:

Name: RestChord Offset
Command: php\php.exe Scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php RestChord Opts.VertOffset=<PROMPT:=#[-2000,2000]>

Use 2000 when the Rest is above the Chord/Note, -2000 when it is below.
This doesn't hide it, but it does take it off the page. (demo attached)

2007Oct01 edit: changed font to  teletype, range to ±2000
General Discussion / Why treat the Notation font differently from say, User 1 or Staff Bold?
If NWC2 did not:

  • The Fonts page would be simpler. Spinbox for:Staff Metrics , checkbox for Scale Fonts
  • Notation font names and encodings could be what the user wants.
  • NWC2STDA Bold could be a user designed high visibility font
  • encodingID's would only matter for errant emulators. The user could design around them.
  • The Notation font would be available for Text objects. The user could add glyphs that are only useful at the same fontsize and have it all change together.

You would get some strange results if you chose Arial Bold Italic for Notation, but no stranger than choosing Marlett as Staff Bold. The default would be NWC2STDA:fontsize=StaffMetrics. I don't much appreciate NWC2 not allowing me to use fonts the way I want to use them. IMHO, it would be a better program if it did not.
General Discussion / Beta 2.11 Signature visibility bug
Put each clip on a separate staff.
Hold down: Ctrl+Shift and alternate between PgUp and PgDn
Code: [Select · Download]
Code: [Select · Download]
Bugs in both the Editor and Print Preview

Untested workaround is to take control of signature spacing as discussed in:
General Discussion / Dynamic->Advanced Settings
Your options here are:
  • Override Dynamic Note Velocity
  • Change Staff Volume

I would suggest that these are badly named.
Override and change are redundant in this context. The program is offering to let you set a new value. Hardly much use if it is not going to override or change something.

Dynamic is confusing. It conveys the idea that if I change the note velocity and I have selected, e.g. forte, that this will be the new default velocity for forte, which is not the case.

In MIDI terms, what is being changed is the note velocity, or simply the velocity, not the dynamic note velocity.
Putting zero in this field does not produce a note off, as I would expect. If this is some special that does something magical, it should be documented.  Otherwise, it should be fixed, or the range limited to 1.

Staff Volume is misnamed, since it affects the volume of all staves sharing the channel.

Calling these:
  • Staff Note Velocity
  • Channel Volume

would make more sense to me.

General Discussion / Page Text Alignment/Placement
If Text Expression->Display Font: is:
  • Page Title Text
  • Page Text
              - or -
  • Page Small Text

Wouldn't it make sense to justify it with respect to the page?

Expression Placement->Alignment/Placement: should be ignored.
just a thought ...
General Discussion / GlobalMod StemLength=0 problem
When I run any GlobalMod command on:
Code: [Select · Download]
I get:
Code: [Select · Download]
No problem with: StemLength=1

Odd that Note objects would be parsed at all if the Command is, e.g.: Bar Visibility=Default
Could be a global assumption that zero must be the default and can be safely removed.

Version is: 2006-08-11 1.2
General Discussion / Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)
Put each clip on a separate staff.
Hold down: Ctrl+Shift and alternate between PgUp and PgDn
Observe how the length of the tie changes.
The problem is the "G". (assuming a treble clef)
It takes up more space when it is invisible.
This should not happen.
Code: [Select · Download]
Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Spacing problem: first note after clef (Beta 2.10 )
As of NWC2 Beta 2.05, the problems identified in:
have not been acknowledged or addressed.

The problem of too much space between the signature and the first note when the note occurs without intervening text is most troublesome.  Please help.

It just got worse.
Pop quiz -> Before you paste the clip, which note is closest to the Clef?
A, B, C, or D? (for those who don't do bass clefs)

Code: [Select · Download]
Answer: B, the one preceeded by text that [glow=red,2,300]Preserves Width![/glow]

Prior to Beta 2.10, the correct answer would have been C, the one preceeded by visible text.
Grrrrr ...
General Discussion / Fractional beam direction in Beta 2.08
I think the beam on the red note should point to the left.
Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Hanging ties (aka, stuck notes)
3 ways to create a hanging tie.  I don't consider any of them bugs.
Code: [Select · Download]
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Up
They are things to look for if you have a stuck note
Tips & Tricks / Exclude From Bar Count (NWC2 feature)
After many wishes, some control over bar numbering was added to NWC2, Beta 2.0 (ca. July 2006)  A checkbox was added to Barline properties called Exclude From Bar Count

If you use this feature, normally you will want to check not only the top staff, but all staves directly under it.  (Like the way you do special endings). If you don't:

  • Goto Measure (ctrl G) will take you different places depending on the staff the cursor is on.
  • Measure numbers will not match if you extract parts.

But this also lets you set up a staff to make jumps easier.  If, for example, on the bottom staff you exclude all bars except the system breaks, Goto Measure will take you to the section #.  If you have a piece with sections, excluding all bars except the first bar in each section will allow you to jump easily to any section.
General Discussion / Beta 2.08: Note spacing bug
NWC2 adds extra space between notes if the first note is an upflag or contains a semitone.  I wish there was some control over this as often the extra space is unneeded.

But it shouln't add even more space if the note has both. 
Print Preview this clip.  The next to last note is the problem.
Code: [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"Uncheck \"Increase spacing for longer notes\""|Font:PageSmallText|Pos:14

This has been fixed as of Beta 2.19
General Discussion / Bug: beta 2.05 Slur Print Preview
The first slur is not correct in File->Print Preview
Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / NWCInfo Error
Running NWCINFO.EXE from on a current NWC2 file (temp.nwc) gives this:
Error: The file "temp.nwc" appears to be from a newer version of NoteWorthy Composer.
General Discussion / Special Endings and ties. Visual glitch
The help entry for Special Endings says:
The special ending containing the first ending must always appear before any other special ending, and must be concluded using a Master Repeat Close bar line.
This always seemed arbitrary to me.  I don't see why the ties should look different in this clip:
Code: [Select · Download]
I can work around it, but IMO, I shouldn't have to.
General Discussion / Audit Bug (Beta 2.03)
Another bug in this release.
Code: [Select · Download]
Invoking: Tools->Audit Note Stems
on the above clip changes the duration of the Chord in all but the last (beamed) group.

Even worse: Select the entire staff and click the Stem Up button. Durations change and stems disappear.
General Discussion / Midi Input Bug (Beta 2.03)
If you Export a song containing all muted staves and try to Import it, you get:

ACCESS_VIOLATION in module NWC2.EXE at 0001:00052eb3

Win98 really did not like this.  Explorer locked up and no programs would close.
A "three finger salute" was needed.

Here is the file that caused the lock-up (as reported by mf2t):
Code: [Select · Download]
MFile 1 2 192
0 Meta SeqName "SONG01"
0 Meta Text "By <Name>"
0 Meta Copyright "Copyright \xa9 2006 <Name>"
0 Meta Copyright "All Rights Reserved"
0 Meta Text "Generated by NoteWorthy Composer"
0 KeySig 0 major
0 TimeSig 4/4 24 8
0 Meta TrkEnd
0 Meta 0x21 00
0 Meta TrkName "Staff"
0 Par ch=1 c=7 v=127
0 Par ch=1 c=10 v=64
0 Meta TrkEnd
General Discussion / Playback of colliding notes
In the following clip, I have used a flute and trasposition to make the problem easier to hear, but it can still be heard if the instrument path is removed.

As a piano player, I would play each measure the same way.  NWC2 plays them differently.  I would expect to hear measure 3 in each case. In measure 1, NWC2 effectively ignores the initial half note A flat. In measure 2, it cuts the 5th note (also an A flat) off too short, making it sound like a staccato.

IMO, NWC2 needs to be a bit more intelligent in this area. I don't expect it to analyze all staves on the same midi channel, but it ought to be able to look a 1 staff in context.

Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Bug: Note Spacing (Beta 1 Version 2)
Look at this clip in Print Preview.  NWC2 (correctly) does not add extra space the front of the first note in each line.  But this should also true for the first note in all other measures.  This is an unsightly bug (that also exists in NWC 1.75b). Typeset music handles this correctly; NWC2 should as well.

I won't call this a bug, but IMO, NWC2 should not add extra space to invisible notes/rests either.

Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Slur visibilty problem (Beta 1 Ver 2)
It seems right that slurs inhert their visibilty from their starting note/rest, but why should they also inherit visibility from the first note after a system break? This causes a different result depending on page flow. IMHO, this should be corrected.
Code: [Select · Download]
The slur is invisible on the second line but, if you change the SysBreak to the next Bar, the slur appears.
General Discussion / Beam direction bug (Beta 1 Update 2)
Code: [Select · Download]
Clearly, the 16th note beam should point to the left.
See Could this be a bug? in the beta newsgroup for more details.
General Discussion / User Tool Bug in 1z
This applies to any User Tool that writes to StdOut.
If your selection includes a Beam=First and does not include a Beam=End, the beamed note group will become unbeamed. This also applies to a selection of Beam=End without Beam=First

This also happens if you simply select the first or last beamed note and press ctrl+c followed by ctrl+v

For testing, here is possibly the world's shortest VBScript User Tool:
Code: [Select · Download]
Do Until WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdIn.ReadLine

Another problem with beamed notes:
Code: [Select · Download]
In order to paste a beamed group and keep it beamed, all the stems should have the same direction.  The paste parser will usually detect this and unbeam them, but it evidently misses the case where notes have different default directions and none of the notes have a stem direction specified.

I was trying to write an enhanced Audit Note Stems, that would ignore RestChords and work with a selection. It works fine until it gets to beamed notes ...

General Discussion / Minor RestChord Problem with ver 1z
You cannot remove an articulation from a RestChord
You cannot add an articulation to a RestChord

In order to have an articulation on a RestChord, you must have the appropriate button(s) down when you add the note. I can see no technical reason for this and it is not user friendly.

Frankly, I see no necessary distinction between a rest and a note with a special notehead that, when encountered, does not play.
General Discussion / Stuck notes again
Mostly fixed in ver 1y, but this cropped up in the newsgroup:

Code: [Select · Download]

By changing the KeySig, you can get all, some, or none or the notes to stick.
99.99% of the time you will want to repeat in the original key so you should restore the KeySig, but it should be fixed.  This is a problem with D.S. flows as well.