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Messages - eezey

General Discussion / Re: Drum Roll Notation
The "slashy things" are abbreviated notes.  I have asked for this feature in NWC many times, and gotten rude responses from management. 

Here is how an abbreviated note works:
1 line through the stem divides the note into two of the next smaller notes.  A line through the stem of a half note divides that note into two quarter notes, and that is how it is played.

2 lines through the stem divides the note into 4 notes.  A quarter note with 2 lines in the stem is played as 4 sixteenth notes.

3 lines through the stem divides the note into 8 notes.  A quarter note with three lines through the stem is played as 8 thirty-second notes.

This notation is used not only by drummers, but by string players and others as well.  It is MUCH easier to read longer sequences of notes of the same pitch if they are written in abbreviated fashion.

The lack of this feature in NWC prevents many of us from writing band and orchestra scores in NWC.  As a result, we have all gone to other programs for the bulk of our work, even though the programs are more expensive and much slower to use.  Noteworthy has lost a lot of money in ignoring this feature, and shaped note heads.

Ed Swanzey