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Messages - Rosemac

General Discussion / Note being sustained throughout playback
I'm doing an arrangement for 7 instruments.  I have 2 questions.

When I play the arrangement, there is a sustained note which plays throughout the playback.  I can't isolate if it is related to any of the lines I am writing, or if the problem is quite separate.  Any suggestions?

Also, how does one notate for untuned percussion?

All help appreciated.  R
General Discussion / Producing a "jazzy" feel
When writing in simple time, is it possible to give quavers a "triplet" feel?  I tried to insert the triplet icon over highlighted quavers, but nothing would happen.  Is there any way to produce the "jazzy" feel just writing quavers?  Rosemac
General Discussion / Metronome beat
When writing in NWC, I would like to be able to start with, say, two "empty" bars to establish the tempo.  I often burn my music to a CD, so I need to hear a couple of bars to "count myself in"  Is there a way of doing this other than having a note of pitch playing?