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Topics - Bampot

General Discussion / Restore NCW 2.75

I just purchased NWC 2.75 a few days ago and was really enjoying it.
Unfortunately, Microsoft just upgraded MS Office loading super, annoying popups each time you opened a file.
A System Restore was done which removed the upgrade & popups, but also removed NWC 2.75 !!!
Now,  all my old NWC files (which had been upgraded) no longer play on the old version.

Is there any way to restore 2.75 without repurchasing?


General Discussion / Continuous Flow when Playing?
Hi All

I'm new to this forum and this may have already been dealt with - but . . .
Can anyone tell me how to get the music to play continually from one staff into the others?
Presently I have to compose the whole score on one staff.

