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Topics - Robin P Withey

User Tools / User tools give errors with PHP 5

I haven't really tried using the user tools previously, but I decided it's about time I tried to do things the easy way, rather than the long, laborious, manual way.
The problem is, when I tried to use some of the tools (specifically Andrew Purdam's parts splitter), I got lots of errors (and I mean LOTS!), even though it actually worked in the end.
I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is: I have PHP 5 installed on my computer, and Noteworthy picks that in preference to the copy of PHP 3 that installs with the user tools. Now I don't want to uninstall that, as I do use it for work, so I was wondering if you had ever thought about upgrading the toolkit to work with PHP 5? I could do it myself, and will do if you don't already have a PHP 5-compatible version, but there's no point in re-inventing the wheel.

Robin Withey