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Topics - jim_jr

User Tools / Change clef tool error
I am having trouble using the Change Clef tool.  I am trying to convert a Bass Clef tenor part (split from single staff ten/bass line using Parts tool) to single treble clef notation. 

I keep getting the following error:

Error: [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\lib\, at line 35]
--> Unrecognized notation clip format header

I have the standard starter pack installed and worked out the relative directory paths in the command line, but do not know enough PHP to troubleshoot this error. 

My environment is Win Vista 64 bit with NWC 2.5.1.  I have successfully executed other user tools. I have also reviewed the Change Clef thread from a couple years ago, but didn't find anything relevant to this error.

General Discussion / What's with the Jane Eyre business?
Re: Scriptorium Update
« Reply #253 on: Today at 10:22 pm » Quote 

This thesis attempts to provide an interpretation of Charlotte Bronte’s
Jane Eyre in terms of cultural politics of gender by exploring the ways in
which Jane Eyre resists being an en-gendered subject as an angel in the house ........

General Discussion / Just installed NWC 2.1 & wish list
I just installed version 2.1.  Quick first impression very nice.  Great job.  I like the staff label panel, LOVE the piano bar.  I usually use keyboard method to enter notes (keying is quicker and easier for me than using the mouse), but might use piano bar for chord entry.  It's also fun to watch during playback.

There're still a couple things I long for, though.  The other day I imported a midi file in G minor that had a lot of D7 - Gm cadences.  Needless to say, I had a score full of G-flats followed by notated G-naturals.  Since the key signature contained flats, Audit Enharmonic Spelling had no effect.  And I wasn't terribly interested in manually fixing all the F#s and clearing all the natural signs. 

What would be helpful would be an Enharmonic Spelling toggle that could be applied to a single selected note.  That would make editing the Gbs to F#s easier and then I could use accidental audit to clear the natural signs.  I don't know how much development would be involved, but I bet you could reuse a lot of the code already designed in the staff enharmonic audit module as a starting point.

The other feature I would find useful would be a double whole-note.  An assignable time duration would be nice for free meter notation, but I'd settle for a set 8-quarter-note duration.  I made my own organ arrangement of Barber's Adagio 15 years ago.  Pencil and paper.  The meter is 4/2 with lots of double whole notes.  Went to enter into NWC for clean printout and midi and had to settle for using tied whole notes.

Just wishin'.  But seriously, 2.1 is good work.

General Discussion / 2nd verse lyric to 2nd ending
I have a simple repeat with 1st and 2nd ending.  How do I get the lyric of the second verse to the second ending instead of continuing under the 1st ending lyric? 
General Discussion / Just upgraded to NWC2
The first thing I noticed when I started entering notes into a new score was they now sound when you enter them.  I've looked at all the Options menus and could not find a setting to disable.

Does anyone have an idea on turning this feature off?  I find it annoying because I'm listening to the radio while keying and don't really need the program to echo each note.

I've been using 1.75 for many years and love the program.  Especially since it is so inexpensive compared to other notation programs.  I have done choral arranging, band arrangments and organ trascriptions using this product and with a little ingenuity and the tips on the scriptorium site, I've always been able to do what I needed.

Jim in Cleveland