Please help: I wish to update links (which no longer work) in some of my previous messages, referring to tools by Rick, eg rg_Squash.php and rg_ZapSpacers. How do I do it?
Whenever I swap printer, from HP P1102, to PDF995, I have to re-select A4 paper size. NWC ALWAYS has "LETTER" selected - no matter that I've set "A4" at every place in the PDF995 printer setup, before opening NWC.
Please, there are some parts of the world where "LETTER"- sized paper just is NOT used.
This plea applies to both NWC 2.5.5 and NWC 2.5.1 beta (upto and including 34)
Some months ago, I purchased and installed NWC 2.5, which has been upgraded to NWC 2.5.5. The old (licenced) version of NWC has been lost.
The attached "LEGACY_config_SELECTION.txt" contains some of the "user tools" which I had built-up / collected over a number of years.
1. I shudder at the thought of having to type in some of those long parameter lists for "GlobalMod" 2. So far, I couldn't get any of the "Non-official" *.PHP tools to work in NWC 2.5.5. 3. Some of the *.VBS tools are very useful and I would love to be able to use them again.
My PC is XP SP3.
Help to get me going again, will be most appreciated. (Please spell out, step-by-step, what I must be doing).
In trying to submit a reply (with an attachment which I thought to be approx 21KB) to "deleted music", I was informed that I'd exceeded the 1024KB limit.
Does this mean that I've got to go through (all) my old posts and remove attachments, in order to regain KBs?
The official Help about bar lines is: Bar Line Command This command adds a standard bar line at the insertion point. This command is most efficiently issued by pressing the <Tab> key from the computer keyboard.
For those who have not discovered it yet:
Try using the "*" of the numeric keypad.
This is where lightning forced me to shut down
As the keys: ; , . / * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - + <ENTER> <UP> <DOWN> <LEFT> <RIGHT> <DELETE> <BACK SPACE> and the <Ctrl> on the right of my keyboard, are ALL comfortably within the reach of my Right Hand, I use the mouse with my LEFT hand, after having swapped the buttons, so that CLICK is with the Left index finger.
The result: During keyboard entry of notation, my RH does the majority of the work, whilst the left hand, using the mouse, selects insertion points, and the occasional item which would've needed both hands on the keyboard (or for which no keyboard short cut is available.)
(First of all, I have to admit that I do not know anything about text chords,)
In the attached "Autumn Leaves.nwc", I've transposed both the music and the text chords 2 semitones up, from G minor to A minor.
(Note: for playback I've left the two staves to sound the same.)
It seems to me as if nearly all the transposed chords are 2 semi tones up, except at M11 and M29, it looks to me as if the chords have been transposed only by ONE semitone up, F7 to F#7 and Fm7 to F#m7, respectively.
Questions: 1. Are the transpositions correct? and if yes, please explain. 2. Or is it a bug in the user tool? If Yes, please ping Andrew Purdam for help. 3. Please point me to where I can learn about chords.
Carl, thank you for this tip - I only read it today (2010-11-24) - It's WHAT I"VE BEEN LOOKING FOR.
Just a comment, about the numbering of barlines in special endings: As I understand it, the convention is that all the barlines under the first special ending should be EXCLUDED from the count, as per attached sample.
This convention requires one to go through the whole score, all staves, from top to bottom, to make the changes manually. (For correct playback and performance, the special endings also have to be copied onto each staff).
By the same convention: The "0" number for a bar number at the start of a piece which begins with a pick-up note. Inside the piece, the barline at the end of a pick-up note is excluded from the count.
Being rather lazy, I love using User Tools which other people have made available: ClefChange.php by Bryan Creer (eg. Changing Violin 3 parts to Cello) EmptyBars.vbs by Peter Edwards (eg. Create a Tempo staff which goes to the top of my score and contains all the tempo info) GlobalMod by Andrew Purdam ---Used literally in dozens of "Toollets" MultiBarRests by Kjeld Hansen (Automatically calculates and supplies MBRs throughout a staff in seconds)
I regularly use Sharpeye2 to convert *.tif scans to *.XML. Then MXML2NWCC.exe to obtain *.NWC. Sometimes the output is down-right wrong. Then analyzing the *.XML file with NOTEPAD++ (free download from can help to pin-point the error.
My experience has been : Usually the problem is with Sharpeye2 or MXML2NWCC.exe, NOT with NWC2.
Extending a tip by David Palmquist, here is a means (in NWC2) to make-up hairpins to whatever length you may need (The sample is a Cresc. hairpin with rather exaggerated length):