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Topics - jakeness

Tips & Tricks / How to hide rests to prevent collisions with notes in layered staffs
I'm using NWC ver. 2.75a.2 and have not succeeded in preventing rests from colliding with notes of other staffs when layering. I would prefer to avoid using vertical offset in staff properties. All that does is exile the rests to limbo somewhere above the staff, and this looks just as bad in the hard copy printout. Previous versions of NWC apparently had a Hide Rest feature but either my version doesn't or I can't find it. Ideas....?
General Discussion / Chord member command without layering?
I'm new to NWC2 and am running Vista.
How can I add notes to a chord but keep the stem directions separate, on one staff?
Is it possible to do this without having to layer?

Example: When I want to add a tenor note (stem up) above a bass note (stem down), I follow the usual procedure. I position the cursor to the right of the bass note, move it up to the tenor note pitch, toggle Stem-Up, ensure the note durations match, then activate the Chord Member command. However, when the tenor note is generated, the bass note loses its down stem and both notes now have their stems up.
The FAQ item about Chord Member Command gives no detail about how to prevent this. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Layering has been a problem as I can't seem to avoid layering collisions and tons of rests contaminating the layered score.