Extending special ending can be easily acheived with using "Continue prior ending" button. But when you put the tie between the first and the second measure(extended) within the special ending, an unnecesssary tie will appear before the second measure. To prevent this, followings are recommended. - Put the 1st ending on the second measure again. - Check "Hide ending text" - Set "Bracket hight" to 0
Hello everone! I’m now using V2.54 and found a different behavior from V2.1. When I insert a clef on the way of the staff, it appears in the smaller font. But if inserted just after the bar line, the clef will be in the ordinary font. Why this occurs? And any way to prevent this?
I sometimes want to narrow successive 16th (or 8th, 32nd) note spacings in order to increase measures that can be put in a system, or just improve the appearance of the staff. But current NWC doesn't have the function to narrow the note spacing unlike the extension.
This is a way to perform this. In short, notate four 16th notes in two different staves two by two, give a little offset to one staff avoiding the pileup, and then layer these two.
Note: Measure 2 is written in ordinary way. Measure 3 is written in the way told above. A little offset is given by invisible 16th and 32nd rests. Stem length should be properly adjusted. In measure 4, the note spacings are slightly streched by using "Extra note spacing 1". In this case one more space adjustment is needed. A small diamond is that. An inserted text of four space characters with "Page Small Text", "Preserve Width".
When I use the copy command in the print prevew window, if I choose 'clipboard', the object pasted onto MS Word looks strange. Thick lines such as beams connecting eighths or sixteens shows the groups of thin lines and the document looks quite bad. If I choose '.emf file', this doesn't occur. Is anything wrong?
For the people who are not used to jazzy songs, we often put a note at the top of the music that tells 'two eighths equal to the triplet of a quarter and a eighth'. I don't think this can be done with using NWCV15 font. But if you use Robert A's MusiSync, it's quite easy to do this. Insert the text with this font as; [n][space][=][space][alt 0188]
Does a double bar have the special meaning other than its appearance?
I made a staff having "start - 1st ending - double bar - master repeat close - 2nd ending ---", in other word I put a double bar in the 1st ending phrase. When I played this, it jumped to the double bar after repeating and reahced to the 1st ending again as if the double bar was the 2nd ending. Consequently the master repeat close worked and repeat was performed agin and again. Isn't it allowed to put a double bar in the place like this?