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Topics - Joseph Mansfield

General Discussion / Problems with recording from MIDI keyboard
  Windows XP with service pack 2
  NWC version 1.75b
  Casio CTK-601 keyboard
  MidiSport Uno interface

  1) If I play a series of, say, quarter notes separated by quarter rests, NWC will record them as dotted quarters with eighth rests, or maybe doubledotted with sixteenth rests.
  2) If I play a chord with a slow arpeggio, NWC will terminate each note when the following note begins, even though the first key is still depressed.
  3) As (2) implies, if I play a composition of say three voices, any time I press a key in any voice, that cuts off any notes being held in other voices.  I end up with a bunch of short notes, not sustained voices.

Any advice out there?  I have searched the site, don't find these things discussed.

More broadly:  Some material I did find suggests that NWC is not good at this sort of recording.  Can anyone suggest an alternative product, especially a free one?  Also point me to any areas I need to read up on; all this is strictly new to me.  In case it helps you visualize what I need, my project is this:  There is an elderly lady here who neither reads nor writes music, but she is a composer and has some good material.  I want to get it down as a written score.

Many thanks.
General Discussion / Connect MIDI to USB
I have a Concertmate 990 keyboard, late model computer with USB ports running Windows XP Professional, and NWC 1.75b.  Please give me some guidance on what cables/adaptors I need to buy to get keyboard and NWC talking to each other via USB.  The aim is to play on the keyboard and have NWC write the score of what is played.  Please include recommendation, if you have one, as to where I can mailorder cables/adaptors -- company name, web address, phone, etc.  Any other comments relevant to connecting keyboard/NWC and writing score from keyboard input are welcome.  If you wish, write me directly at
         josephmansfield xxx
changing the xxx to @ as needed.  If you include phone number I can call you at your convenience.  Many thanks.