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Attachments - David Palmquist

Filename   Downloads Message Posted
20161210-rant.png 1,080 Text copy/paste fails often
2BarRepeatSample.png 1,457 Re: RepeatMark.test (0.4)
2Ellingtons_nested_triplet.jpg 1,613 Re: Nested triplets - a challenge?
3Ellingtons_nested_triplet.jpg 1,584 Re: Nested triplets - a challenge?
4_cornish_dances_extract2.gif 4,201 Re: Transposing Horn in F to Alto Saxophone
AnitrasDanceRehearsalLettersample.gif 973 Re: Rehearsal numbers
Barcountingglitch.gif 1,007 Re: Bug in measure bar count
Barnumbering_sample_1-75.nwc 768 Re: Breaking a print line in the middle of a measure (bar)
Bars43-48forNWCForum-Optimized.png 359 Re: How would you play this?
beamingfromarestexample.gif 1,037 Re: Beta 2.12 barline causes note misalignment
Broken_beam_and_f_s_break.gif 1,165 Re: outside opinion
buglet.png 1,379 Re: Buglet
CB1.png 3,513 Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 16
CB2.png 3,510 Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 16
Children_go_where_I_send_thee.jpg 1,267 Re: Converting WAV to NWC
Clickdemo.gif 1,031 Re: Wish: VSTi support
Clickdemograph.gif 984 Re: Wish: VSTi support
Clickdemograph_after_paste.gif 1,023 Re: Wish: VSTi support
Clip1.jpg 921 Re: Spacing bug: Beta 2.16
Clip3.gif 2,521 Re: adding a rest underneath a note
Comp signs.png 1,443 Re: RepeatMark.test (0.4)
DbOrD-thatisthequestion.png 352 How would you play this?
DbOrD-thatisthequestion.png 373 Re: How would you play this?
Demo-MBRinlayers.nwc 833 Re: NWC is good. Will it become great?
demo_file_for_scoring.nwc 696 Re: wangchung
etude10a1.nwc 978 Re: How to put a rehearsal symbol at front of a line?
etude10a12.nwc 996 Re: How to put a rehearsal symbol at front of a line?
etude10a121.nwc 992 Re: How to put a rehearsal symbol at front of a line?
exercise2.nwc 777 Re: How to make a set of single staffs?
Finale_2005_-_BARZILLAI_LEWScore_-_004_Tenor_Sax.pdf 3,013 Re: Silly notation
Finale_2005_-_BARZILLAI_LEWScore_-_007G_Piano.pdf 1,582 Re: Silly notation
Finale_2005_-_BARZILLAI_LEWScore_-_016_Drums.pdf 1,556 Re: Silly notation
FontSettings.nwc 1,412 Tired of searching for text symbols? Find them with this...
ForCarlBangsClip1.gif 857 Re: Problem wth slur
Keysignatureonlinewrap.gif 1,361 Re: V 2.17 Beta Observation: Key Changes
Lyric swedish alphabet.png 2,146 Re: "foreign" characters disappear
Lyric-lead-demo.gif 961 Re: Rests -- alignment (NWC ver 1.75d)
LyricIdea.nwc 211 Re: Final variant
Lyric_Demo.nwc 813 Re: NWC novice - lyrics placement
Lyric_editor_cursor_image.gif 1,046 Re: When possible, synchronize the initial position of the lyric editor caret
MissingText.png 1,193 Buglet in printing?
Mulitbar_rests.nwc 643 Re: Multi Measure Rests
MutingNotesinNWC.png 309 Re: The best application to remove the music/instrument
Nested_triplets.nwc 962 Re: Nested triplets - a challenge?
Nested_triplet_ideas.jpg 1,598 Re: Nested triplets - a challenge?
NewNWCForumScreen.png 1,519 Re: Forum/Server Upgraded (August 2020)
NoteworthySpacing.jpg 1,554 Re: Note Spacing
Noteworthy_glitch.gif 1,806 Re: Transposing Horn in F to Alto Saxophone
NWC BarNumber glitch.png 1,236 Re: BarCounter.nw
NWC Export menu.png 349 Re: Convert file in NWC to Midi format