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Messages - Wilm Boerhout

User Tools / Re: ColoringBeamsSlursTriplets.og
Ok. my folder C:\ProgramData\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\UserPlugins did not contain the file Beam.hmm.nwcuser so I downloaded the file from the original makers note (it says it is v0.9) and placed it there. Then ran the plugin again -- no difference in behaviour.

Although programming is no stranger to me (and vice versa), I am not at all familiar with the NWC Plugin setup, and possibly I am assuming too many things to be in place when they are not.

I am using a licensed version of Noteworthy V 2.75a.2, and apart from the above download, have not modified the install at all.
User Tools / Re: ColoringBeamsSlursTriplets.og
I may be missing something in the setup then. Attached are two screenshots, showing what I see in the relevant section in NWC, and when I print (actually, you see a screen shot of my PDF)
User Tools / Re: ColoringBeamsSlursTriplets.og
I ran into this exact same problem, and found this solution. In the NWC file (and the clip format), it appears to work although the color shown in NWC is not my (modified) Color:7

In the printed output, the note stems and beams have disappeared (or colored white?). Note heads are still there. See bar 17-18 for first occurence.

I only recently picked up NWC again, so it might be my mistake... the purpose of all this is to create a score that supports me (on tenor sax playing the cello part) not playing the pizzicato's.
General Discussion / Re: 2007 Software Review Notation Pragrams
Not much time today, but outraged enough to write this short comment
=== snip ===

Dear Sir/Madam,

I was very surprised when I read your NWC review the other day.

Are you sure you did not review another program?

Keyboard input is the main input method, updates and patches are distributed on line, there is a large and active user community, a wealth of notated music available. There are many more errors in your review, but I lack the time to report them all.

I purchased NWC 10 years ago after ditching Mozart. I've been a satisfied customer ever since.

Really, at $39 (your Silver and Bronze are *much* more expensive), this is the best software ever. Please see for what you can *really* do with this software. And you can do it without ever once touching a mouse, too!

Wilm Boerhout
Zwolle, The Netherlands
General Discussion / Re: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?
Please also note that a good trick is also to put a bar line at the very end of the piece and force a system break on that barline.

This additional barline will not show when printed and will have a bonus effect of equally spacing out the final bars on the page.

It does that. But... in the attached piece, why is the middle system on the last page missing a bar line (in print preview) ?

I'm using NWC2 Beta 1 update 2

General Discussion / Re: Unjazz my MIDI
Maybe I'm misremembering the capability, but if I'm right, I'm sorry it's gone.

I have never noticed/used the capability before, so I wouldn't know.

Anyway, it's moot now, since Eric has provided V1.1 of UnJazzify (see User Tools section of this forum). It now also straightens out (rest,note/chord) and (note/chord,rest) pairs.
General Discussion / Re: Unjazz my MIDI
I see a quite sharp photo of yourself against an indeterminate but colourful background.
Yup, that's the one. Quite artful, innit? Now if I could only see it myself...

BTW I'm really pleased to see SwingDings getting a guernsey (Aussie slang for being put forward or having an opportunity to appear etc.)  Thankyou.  Of course now I'll have to hurry up and publish to the Scripto.  Not quite ready yet but Real Soon Now.  NG denizens have access to the beta links...  Thankyou Wilm!
You're welcome. I like the Swing* Font Suite (now doesn't that sound fancy, a suite!) Every print looks like it's straight from the Real Book!
General Discussion / Re: Unjazz my MIDI
Have you tried using the Find tool?  Sometimes the older features are quick and easy.

I have. Find will let me find a single dotted 8th. It will not let me find a pair of anything. I would then have to modify all dotted 8ths, then finding the 16th rests (by now the 8th aren't dotted anymore, so I will quickly lose the context of what I'm doing)

Back to DCL then...
User Tools / Re: Unjazzify Beamed, Dotted Note Pairs
Thanks Eric. Of course, a tool offered is a tool to be expanded upon.

Do you see a way to make an extension as follows: modify pairs of (Dotted 8th rest,16th note) and pairs of (Dotted 8th note,16th rest) to straight eighths as well?

General Discussion / Re: Unjazz my MIDI: Take Five
OK, I promised you a "Take Five".

Here is the first installment. Work to be done:
  • "Collapse" the flow control
  • Listen to a recording and do the dynamics
  • Ask Eric -politely- for an extension to his UnJazzify.php. Note the piano score with in the RH pairs of (Dotted 8th rest,16th note) and in the LH pairs of (Dotted 8th note, 16th rest). For this to work with the tempo controllers, each staff must have straight eighths


PS [glow=red,2,300]all Page and Staff fonts are SwingText, User1 font is SwingDings[/glow]
General Discussion / Re: Crash
OK, maybe you can remove the references to the crash from the UnJazzify thread. That clutters up the issue there. I will remove my entry.

General Discussion / Re: Crash
Does this clip crash for you when copied directly from your post? I don't get a crash (at least not yet).

Is does not matter. What seems to be the trigger is to have a selection active on a staff, and copying/replacing with CTRL/V. It then crashes predictably.

I tried it though:

When I paste into a new staff (whether copied from the post or copied from notepad) it does not crash.

When I paste into the same staff, not replacing (i.e. HOME, SHIFT END, CTRL/C, END, CTRL/V) it does not crash

General Discussion / Re: Unjazz my MIDI
Thanks. Just for old times sake, here's how to do it in OpenVMS DCL.

Invoke: @UnJazz clip.txt clip.out, where clip.txt holds the input clip and... well, you figure it out.
How this must be rewritten for pairs of (16.,32) and others is left as an exercise for the reader.


File UnJazz.COM
Code: [Select · Download]
$	get := read infile /end=EOI
$ put := write outfile
$ open /read infile 'P1'
$ open /write outfile 'P2'
$ have_rec2 = 0
$ get rec
$ if F$element(1,"|",rec).nes."Note" then goto PUT
$ if F$element(2,"|",rec).nes."Dur:8th,Dotted" then goto PUT
$! Now we have a dotted 8th, read the next record...
$ get rec2
$ have_rec2 = 1
$ if F$element(1,"|",rec2).nes."Note" then goto PUT
$ if F$element(2,"|",rec2).nes."Dur:16th" then goto PUT
$! Now we have a pair of [dotted 8th,16th], modify the records...
$ fr = "8th,Dotted"
$ to = "8th"
$ di = F$len(fr)-F$len(to)
$ ifrom = F$loc(fr,rec)
$ rec = F$ext(0,ifrom,rec)+to+F$ext(ifrom+F$len(to)+di,255,rec)
$ fr = "16th"
$ to = "8th"
$ di = F$len(fr)-F$len(to)
$ ifrom = F$loc(fr,rec2)
$ rec2 = F$ext(0,ifrom,rec2)+to+F$ext(ifrom+F$len(to)+di,255,rec2)
$ PUT:
$ put rec
$ if .NOT.have_rec2 then goto LOOP
$ put rec2
$ goto LOOP
$ EOI:
$ close infile
$ close outfile
General Discussion / Re: Crash
I have a reproducible problem (sort of crash)

Windows XP SP2, HP  Compaq nx9010 laptop w 1 GB of memory. Latest BETA of NWC2

Events as follows:

Copy entire staff (HOME, Shift END), to clipboard and then to Notepad
Edit in Notepad, copy to clipboard CTRL/A CTRL/C
Paste to NWC2 (selection on Staff is still active)

Following error dialog appears:

Dialog Title: Exception Detected
Dialog text: ACCESS_VIOLATION in modue unknown
A serious problem has been detected. This is a sign of system instability. It is recommended taht you save your work as soon as possible.
OK to resume (YES/NO buttons)

Pressing NO, NWC2 exits
Pressing YES, NWC2 continues and all appears normal (paste has succeeded)

Clip follows:
Code: [Select · Download]


General Discussion / Re: Unjazz my MIDI

Thanks for giving this a thought.

However, there are dotted eights that are not in any pair, and they will have to remain dotted. So, still a lot of selecting and GlobalMod to do in that case.

I have been a programmer in a previous life, and am now taking a flight forward, away from Windows and on to the only platform I know how to program on: OpenVMS and DCL. Ahh, those were the days.

I'll post the outcome in the NWC2 newsgroup. (Why? I'm still a bit confused on what should go where and why we have 2 (3?) newsgroups)

General Discussion / Unjazz my MIDI
Confused by this topic's title? You soon will be...

I imported a nice jazzy MIDI into NWC2. In this case, the jazzy rhythm winds up in my NWC file like this:

Code: [Select · Download]

That is, dotted 8ths paired with 16ths. I want all these pairs to change into pairs of 8ths, in order to control the jazz sound myself with a "standard" NWC method (MIDI controller)

The GlobalMod user tool does not seem to be able to change pairs of objects. (My judgement, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Is there another (easy) way to accomplish what I want? I started editing the pairs by hand, but that is a long and tedious process.


The "reward" will be: a nice arrangement of "Take Five" for saxophone and piano