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Messages - ChapmanDA

User Tools / Re: Problem installing User Tools Starter Kit
Thank you. I found I had the 2.75a installer, re-ran it and then I was able to run the startup kit installer. It overwrote my modified version of ChordPlay.nw.nwcuser.lua but I just put my modified version back in place and all is well. It didn't affect a couple of extra User Tools I'd installed.

Thank you.
User Tools / Problem installing User Tools Starter Kit
When I run the starter kit I get the following "Computer says no!" message:

This package requires a properly installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. NoteWorthy Computer 2 is either not installed or has been altered since its installation.  Setup aborted.

I have 2.75a.2 installed and a valid Authenticity ID (I used it yesterday to get my forum account) and . What is the installer looking for that I might have altered. I think I copied over the installed files from an earlier computer because I had a number of extra plugins and maybe I couldn't find the installer; I can't see NWC2 in the installed programs control panel. What is the starter kit installer looking for? Is it a registry key I could enter for example?

I do still have the 2.5 installer I purchased as an upgrade in 2012, and the 2.75a update installer if I need to re-install but I'd rather not do that if it's avoidable.

Thanks in anticipation
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
I use ChordPlay.nw  a lot. It's so easy to transpose, with the chords being changed along with the notes on the staff.

Sometimes it's useful to be able to change the key of the chords for guitarists using a capo to turn hard chords like E flat into easy ones. So how to transpose the chords without transposing the notes?

I've coded the reverse in a modified version of ChordPlay.nw.nwcuser.lua (taken from version 1.6 at the top of this thread). It provides the option to disable chord transposition. Thus you can create capo chord version by first transposing the notes and chords down, then turn off chord transposition and transpose the staff back.

I've added an option to the right click menu to enable (default) or disable chord transposition. Use it on any chord object and it works on all of them - it's not a per-object setting.

I can't attach files but you'll find it here.

I'm not a Lua programmer, so my code may be clunky - I just followed used what was there with a bit of background reading about the API. If someone wants to pick this up and make it better, please do. Hope somebody else finds it useful.